372 articles on "vest"

Solar Energy

Solar energy is now becoming, in the year 2010, a better way to heat, cool or supply energy to your home. But is the cost worth the long term savings? Is solar energy just another wave of products that Make big bucks for the manufacturers or are sola...

Environment  environment energy solar products invest global great
A Real Estate Investing Primer

A Real Estate Investing Primer by: Adem Hamidovic There are a great many books and web sites devoted to real estate investing out there, but most of them concentrate on one specific area of investing. It's often hard to find a general descr...

Business And Finance  business finance real estate investing money will
Nobody Loves A Landlord

The typical landlord starts off life as a lighthearted real estate investor. The investor isbrimming with enthusiasm and is determined toacquire some single family homes that will beattractive to renters... and start down the roadto financial indepen...

Business And Finance  business finance landlord tenant investor loves rental because
Short Sale Success Secrets With Foreclosures

Short Sale Success Secrets With Foreclosures by: Richard Odessey If you’re active in real estate investing, you may already realize one of the biggest issues real estate investors face: Finding Great Deals. FORECLOSURES AT A 52-YEAR HIGH With ...

Business And Finance  business finance real estate investors short
FOREX 101: Make Money with Currency Trading

FOREX 101: Make Money with Currency Trading by: Rich McIver For those unfamiliar with the term, FOREX (FOReign EXchange market), refers to an international exchange market where currencies are bought and sold. The Foreign Exchange Market that we...

Business And Finance  business finance market currency investors exchange forex
Saving Money By Spending Wisely

ng Money By Spending Wisely by: Willard Michlin Why is it that the older and richer people become, the more conservative they are with their money? Have you ever done or know someone who has made an investment that promised a 10% interest or pro...

Family  family money price food investment
Does your company need capital and you think an angel investor would be a gift from heaven

1. Know who you're looking for.The average angel investor is male, 49 years old, has a collegegraduate degree, at least five years of investing experience inprivate companies, and invests an average of $72,000 perinvestment.2. Look in your own b...

Business And Finance  business finance angel investors average
Investing as a sport

I said last week that money doesn't generally buy happiness, butthe lack of it can buy absolute misery. This, by the way, is notjust my personal observation. It is the conclusion of some ofthe most respected happiness researchers (Yes, there is ...

Business And Finance  business finance trading investments sport when
Offshore Markets - Looking Better All The Time!

The World's Market Capitalization is ShiftingEmphasis in major market capitalization is shifting away from established industrialized countries toward emerging markets.US market dominance has dramatically declined. The present tendency in the US...

Business And Finance  business finance market emerging capital investment offshore world
The Difference Between Investing and Trading

Investing and Trading are not the same thing. The returns you seek, the length of time it takes to achieve those returns, the amount of risk one is prepared to take, and the commitment one can make to monitor the investments dictate the strategy of ...

Business And Finance  business finance investing trading example time takes longer value