The ADD Resilience Factor by: ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky Attention Deficit Disorder presents different challenges to different people. Some of us have the most trouble focusing and concentrating, while some of us have great difficulty regulatin...
Health health school resilience adults willAntiques – The Modern Day Treasure Hunt by: Jerry Goldfarb In today's world, everything that’s old can be described as antiques and generally speaking that’s quite true. A product is considered to be an antique if it is over a hundred...
Hobbies hobbies antique people willProper socialization is essential for puppies. Shar-Pei are very social creatures. It is very important to help them bond with other people rather than canines. At no time is socialization a bigger concern than when bringing a brand new puppy to the ...
Pets And Animals pets animals older family shar willIt's a large step to add the bird to your home, just like any kind of dog. They require a lot of interest as well as their own personal room. Your entire family needs to be prepared for the responsibility associated with owning a bird. It's...
Pets And Animals pets animals bird willDue to the changing economic environment many business tenants have found themselves wanting to terminate their unprofitable commercial lease. Terminating a commercial lease does not have to be a legal drama. If you consider the following top tips an...
Legal legal lease notice landlord date willHaven't you been eyeing that handycam in the shop ever-since your bundle of joy came into existence? Well, if you haven't succumbed to that temptation yet, it's perhaps time to do so. Your baby's tenth month is the perfect time to...
Men will baby month time babiesSex & Pregnancy...Do They Mix??? by: Tara Grant As a pregnant woman, you may experience sex drives much like your moods. Up and Down! Some women claim that they have no sex drive at all during pregnancy, and others, say their sex drive is better...
Health health pregnancy labor willto Make More Money? Fish in a Bigger Pond! by: Kimberly Stevens Setting prices is a dilemma most service business owners encounter at one time or another. This week, it was Susan’s turn. “When I first started my business, I felt uncomfortabl...
Marketing marketing clients price business rate willIt seems incongruous that good idea generation can be a process or that a process may lead to insight. However, if you examine the behaviour of people who regularly generate good ideas – such as creatives in advertising - you will find that common ...
Business And Finance business finance ideas people problem generate willHow do you choose the right franchise from the start?Once you have decided a franchise is the right route for you, how do you choose the right one? To choose the franchise that is right for you and that will fulfill your business dreams, you must kno...
Business And Finance business finance franchise research will