eb Site Design And Writing No-No's by: Larry Dotson1. Don't load your web site with a lot of high tech clutter. Your visitors may miss your whole sales message. 2. Don't use unnecessary words or phrases on your site. You only have...
Web Development development donapost words people content willWith this article, I am going to provide you with some of thebest ways to build your online business. There are many ways,some not so good and some excellent! The ideas I have listedbelow are the ones that have helped me the most.1.Answering email in...
Business And Finance business finance ezine people willSTOP! Advertising will kill your business. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. Ok, I will make one clarifying statement. If you’ve had exposure or experience in using direct response advertising methods and you know something about copywri...
Marketing marketing business direct will1. Turn your ad copy into a story or article. Yourvisitors won't be as hesitant to read your ad andwill become more interested in your product.2. Give visitors a freebie for filling out your onlinesurvey or they usually won't. Surveys will ...
Marketing marketing visitors business offer willIf you're looking for a quick and easy way to make profitsfrom your business, think joint venture.The beauty of a joint venture is that no matter how much orhow little traffic you are currently receiving at yoursite, this marketing technique can...
Online Business online business offer willI cannot take credit for writing this, for I am only sharing with you something I found today. It is a very old page, worn and yellowed, from "The New Republic" dated December 8, 1917. What struck me about this article are two things: 1. The letter f...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation books willLike most marketing techniques that are worth the time & money invested, search engine optimization requires a strong commitment and a bit of patience. Well, actually, alot of patience! Fortunately, it’s an investment that will reward you quite wel...
Web Development development search engine keywords willDo you know how to date? I’m not talking about calling up someone and asking them out. I’m talking about really dating. Romancing the other person. Whoever took it out needs to put it back in! We need it. Dating … we set a date for a doctor’s...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation time love willDale Carnegie said, "Talk in terms of the other man'sinterests." Writing effective web copy begins with a clear understandingof the goals and objectives of your internet strategy. Are youtrying to persuade the visitor to buy something? Are youtr...
Web Development development visitor willAbstractBusiness Intelligence has become a very important in the business arena irrespective of the domain due to the fact that managers need to analyze comprehensively in order to face the challenges. To make the business intelligence effective, hav...
Business And Finance business finance data process will