Globalization is working towards a world economy with easy transportation of goods and exchange of technology between countries. The developed west counts on rapidly developing economies of the east for supply of products and raw material. And when w...
Business And Finance business finance china goods world sourcing products manufacturers chineseBlogging is hard even if you're a natural or trained writer. It's difficult to write and write well on a consistent basis, let alone every day. It is all about sharing knowledge and experience. Thus it is important, that you must have lots ...
Computers And Internet computers internet blogging world blog“We need to abolish advertising for public positions and all parties and lobbies or any corruption that comes from it. I want a penalty of four times the usual and an exclusion from any important job to go along with it in any case of willful corr...
Government government naive innocent world victimized allowCan the Internet foster intelligent conversation and help to form new ideas and moral beliefs?A weird thing happened yesterday as I walked through my university campus. A young man approached me from a political organization that obviously was canvas...
Computers And Internet computers internet people world saidIn the movie The Matrix, humanity was enslaved by machines that plugged into their brains and created an artificial reality, while sapping their energy. Only when people unplugged from this Matrix would they begin to see, feel, and live in the real w...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation real brain television world theyDon't Forget B.O.B.! by: Kathryn Thomas So you've got everything in place, busily working away for you. You've got your banners out, you've exchanged links, you've optimized your site for the search engines, you've ...
Online Business online business card youaposve world outsideHow To Get From The Front Door To The Car by: Chris McDonough Somebody (I don't know who) said that an INFP is someone who gets lost between the front door and the car. I am INFP and that statement describes me very well. An INFP will know ...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation infp goals world organizational goalAlbert Einstein said that imagination is the greatest creative force. Why would such a great man say something that sounds so silly and trivial? Look at those words again: ‘greatest creative force’. Imagination? Not education? Nor money? Nor luck...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation imagination people world thoughtsIPhone is a smart phone designed and created by Apple Inc. that has an iPod, a tablet Personal Computer, a digital camera and a mobile phone features embedded in it. At present, among all the effective mobile phones in the technological world, the na...
Web Development development iphone apps applications application developers worldSouth India is a magical land boasting of a number of wildlife destinations. Rich in bio-diversity and natural beauty, this region of India attracts tourists from across the globe. South India wildlife is among its major draws. It is a land where you...
Travel And Leisure travel leisure species wildlife india south world park bird destinations