First of all I would like to explain the title a bit.I have talked with some people who would like to startan online business and have all these ideas rolling around in their head, but have no idea what to do withthem. They have many interests, but r...
Business And Finance business finance write interests couldAt some point, every serious writer is forced to sit down and conclude that there is something seriously wrong with their work. It wanders. It is pretty in some spots and horribly ugly in others. It doesn't always make sense, and is uneven in p...
Writing writing piece structure write wordSwimming with SharksI just finished my first novel, “Shades of Betrayal”, and felt a rush of giddy excitement at the prospect of being a REAL writer. I had a vague idea that I would need an agent, so I went to a search engine and typed: “Litera...
Writing writing fees agent writer bewareHave you ever noticed what happens to an idea once you express it? Just talking about it or writing it down causes you to clarify it in your own mind. How can you use this to increase your brain power? Start writing. By putting thoughts into words, y...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation brain write understand power writingComposing great content to circulate freely is one of the most effective and versatile online marketing strategies you can utilize. Many people avoid using content to grow their business simple because they feel they do not posses the writing skills ...
Writing writing content write usingHave you given up on writing your book? Don't give up! Others have taken their dream off the shelf this year. You can too! First, let's get rid of the top two book writer blocks. You don't like to write that much and think you have to ...
Writing writing book chapter write donapost audienceShould You Hire a Famous Writer or Write Your Own Articles? by: Bill Platt Proven and Exceptional Click-Through Results Testing has proven again and again that promotional articles generate more click-through traffic than standard ezine adverti...
Site Promotion site promotion articles writer name business willWrite Strategy: Think, Believe, Attack by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ Think of writing like's about DISCIPLINE. Writing, like other forms of art, work or talent, requires discipline. It won't ever be enough that you say to...
Writing writing write lifeself beingWriting and Submitting Articles. Why Is It Important? by: Gunnar Berglund The importance of writing and submitting articles is the fact that you won’t get the word out about what you believe in strongly enough to put on paper, unless someone i...
Site Promotion site promotion write articles submit article wouldI want to make this point crystal clear: if you write a Super Bowl ad and it gets produced and shown on the big game down in Florida, your life will be in jeopardy. Why? Because the people in the ad business that live and breathe advertising have d...
Writing writing super bowlaposs write better