124 articles on "writers"

A Simple Contest with a Strong Message for All Writers Wake Up Your Writing Spirit

The Blogfest 2005 Writing Contest has only been running for two weeks and already the results are overwhelming. And not because we’re getting far more entries than we expected. It’s because along with entries, we’re also getting heartfelt messa...

Writing  writing writers contest entries
Writing For Sex Markets

Writing For Sex Markets by: Katy Terrega Many professional freelancers will go their entire career without ever once writing a story about sex. Oh, they may craft a racy scene or two in the course of writing the next Great American Novel, or the...

Writing  writing markets writers genre
Freelance Writing A Career From Anywhere

An island in the Mediterranean. A beach in Africa. The east coast of New Zealand. What do all these locations have in common? A recent call for assistance from freelance writers elicited replies from every one of these locations. In each of these and...

Writing  writing writers freelance locations work
Freelance Writing Markets, Poetry Markets - Highly Paid -v- Unpaid by AskProfessors.com

Amazing as it may sound, there is a real shortage of good writers and poets. Try telling that to the thousands of writers and poets who get daily rejection slips. As far as they are concerned, writing is virtually impossible to break into no matter h...

Writing  writing writers poets article most
Writing for the Gaming Industry

ing for the Gaming Industry by: Melissa K. Brewer Several months ago, I worked on an interesting project for a client looking to break into writing music for the video game industry. As the project progressed, I found myself fascinated with the ...

Writing  writing game video industry writers games development
Sometimes Shorter is Better with Article Writing

Many article writers seem to get it into their heads that articles must be a specific length to be effective. They achieve that length by adding unimportant fluff that adds absolutely no value to their article writing. For other writers the important...

Writing  writing articles article shorter creating writers
Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution?

Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution?  by: John Colanzi Writing has traditionally been considered a solitary craft. You wrote you article or book in seclusion. You submitted it to an editor or publisher and prayed it would be published. ...

Writing  writing book work writers readers blog
Making A Living As A Ghost Writer

It takes a special kind of writer to be a ghost writer. They spend their writing careers out of the public's eye and rarely, if ever, get a chance to bask in the spotlight of their fans. In fact, their fans rarely know of their existence. Many g...

Writing  writing writer work ghostwriters
The Desire To Not Write

A new client made an off-handed comment today. She wondered why almost every writer gets strong urges not to write. "Suddenly, the plants need watering, the dog needs petting, the laundry needs folding at that very moment." She laughed sheepishly. "I...

Writing  writing writer writers needs likes having
What Magazine Editors Value From Freelance Writers

Ask a bunch of aspiring magazine writers what editors are looking for when they read article queries and I'll bet most of them answer, "good article ideas." Well, sort of. What editors most want to find in queries are good article ideas from wr...

Writing  writing editors writers article people queries