2,729 articles on "writing"

Soul Shock - The real Soul Mate phenomenon

SOUL SHOCK - by Steve Gunninternationally-acclaimed psychic and healerAn excerpt from his new eBook about Soul Mates 'When Two Souls Connect''The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see,and knows what the mind cannot understand.&a...

Writing  writing fiona soul robert
Seven Reasons Not To Hire A Copywriter

As a professional copywriter I'm going to let you in on a secret that will absolutely blow your mind and save you money instantly (although it could cost you in the mid to long-term). Not every business needs a copywriter. Here's the hone...

Writing  writing customers content copywriter
3 Tips for Developing Writing Ideas

Being able to continually develop interesting writing ideas is essential for anybody who is engaged in content marketing. However, even for an experienced and successful content developer, there are those times when their writing process stalls due t...

Writing  writing work environment content mind writeraposs
Carving Out A Home Writing Retreat

The phone rings. The laundry pleads to be stuffed, cycled, dried and folded. Chaos reigns in the kitchen, e-mails queue for attention. Our lives are at once mundane and undeniably seductive at the same time. When we sit down to write at home, suddenl...

Writing  writing time write training olympics past
Easy Copywriting Develop a conversational style

Article Use GuidelinesUse in opt-in publications, or on Web sites, but please includethe resource box. If you could send a copy to me at emailaddress: mailto:ab@digital-e.biz , I appreciate it. Many thanks.Summary: What makes writing copy for everyth...

Marketing  marketing conversational writing words style write
Review: Profit From The Author Inside You

ew: Profit From The Author Inside You by: Michael Southon I've reviewed a number of eBooks recently, and none of them excited me, but this one definitely did. If you've ever had the slightest desire to write a 'How To' book, ...

Online Business  online business book writing roger parker write from
Personal Profile Of The Week Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards is the author and co-author of several ebooks,including two wildly successful best-sellers: "How to Writeand Publish your own ebook...in as little as 7 Days" withJoe Vitale http://hop.clickbank.net/?bizreport/7dayebookand "33 Days to Onli...

Writing  writing game college online chihuahua hobbiesinterestsactivities days
Personal Profile Of The Week Joe Vitale

Joe Vitale is the world's first Hypnotic Marketer.He is the author of way too many books to list here,including the new book "Spiritual Marketing," thebest-selling e-book "Hypnotic Writing," and the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audioprogram, ...

Marketing  marketing niles book nonefavorite selling writing
The Stuff E-mail Queries are Made of

Your mother always told you how first impressions were extremely important. That’s why whenever you go to meet an editor, you dress impeccably, walk confidently and talk as if you just got out of training with Oprah Winfrey.But as you sit down to ...

Writing  writing query mail editor article queries
The Story of the Hypnotic Writing Monkey

The world's first Hypnotic Writer Author of "HypnoticWriting" and "Advanced Hypnotic Writing"A monkey could use "The Hypnotic Writer's SwipeFile," a brand new e-book by Larry Dotson and myself,to write a riveting sales letter, ad, or e-mail...

Writing  writing hypnotic collection monkey book