1,396 articles about "renting"

Is An Allowance For Children Necessary

Setting up an allowance for children is often how they become educated about what money means. In order to influence future decisions when it comes to finance, having a monetary allotment while young affects their actions in grown up life. It gives t...

Parenting  parenting money children when
How Good Are the Video Baby Monitors?

So you're thinking of buying baby video monitors. By now you are probably wondering if you are getting a good deal. When it comes to anything for our baby, we must be extra careful and attentive. If only one eye can sprout or an arm to help in c...

Parenting  parenting also
We All Wish That Our Children have Good Virtues, but... Are We Setting A Good Example Ourselves?

We All Wish That Our Children have Good Virtues, but... Are We Setting A Good Example Ourselves? by: Samir Jhaveri We all wish that our children should not smoke or drink, should not speak lies, should not steal, should not have a violent nature...

Parenting  parenting child donapost children from
Teaching Children Good Manners

Teaching Children Good Manners by: Rexanne ManciniLast week in my newsletter, I mentioned that my children knew how to behave in nice restaurants because they had been exposed to the atmosphere at an early age. My idea of well behaved might be d...

Parenting  parenting there
10 Simple Ways to Say, “I Love You”

10 Simple Ways to Say, “I Love You” by: Rondi Hillstrom Davis and Janell Sewall Oakes We’re teaching our kids to be consumers at an early age. Look at the number of superhero and product endorsement Valentines on the store shelves. We, as...

Parenting  parenting family kids write member article
6 Ways to Communicate Clearly With Your Teen

6 Ways to Communicate Clearly With Your Teen by: Christine McGogy How would you like to have a closer relationship with your teen again? Your ability to communicate effectively with your teen is one of the most precious skills you can develop t...

Parenting  parenting teen them
Teach Your Child to Live for Maximum Potential

Teach Your Child to Live for Maximum Potential by: Paul M. Jerard Jr. At times, everyone feels a little depressed about life, and children are no exception. Just like you, children often experience “the same old grind.” They get up for schoo...

Parenting  parenting child life teach
Your child's 1st year development - month to month

Your child's 1st year development - month to month by: Donna Lee The first year of your child’s development is an ever-changing and exciting time for both you and your child. See the differences month to month. 1 to 2 months: After nine ...

Parenting  parenting month baby child when
Do You Say "Tomorrow I'll do better", Yet by 8am You're Yelling at Your Children?

Most parents put their hand up and say, "Yes, me too!" Exhausted from a day of nagging, yelling and demanding your children do things faster, better, or do something at all, you flop into bed and wish for more peace in home. With your head churning, ...

Parenting  parenting parent family things parents
What Parents Ought To Know About Social Networking Sites?

In the short space of time since being launched in mid 90s, internet has been an online supplement of most people whether it is for searching what they want, business or just connecting with family, friends and relatives. Initially it was just major ...

Parenting  parenting internet children parents