1,396 articles about "renting"

Picky Eater Coping Needs To Be a Family Affair

Picky Eater Coping Needs To Be a Family Affair by: Jason Katzenback Why does it seem that the pickiest of eaters always try to pass themselves off as the latest upcoming culinary critic? It is especially annoying when you have spent a couple of...

Parenting  parenting children
Take a Look Into What Your Teen is Doing Online With Computer Forensic Examinations

As if our teen children did not already have enough places to get in trouble that we as parents have to continuously monitor and worry about, the cyber highways of the Internet have created even countless other areas for teenagers to misbehave in. No...

Parenting  parenting parents take
For Parents: How To Deal With Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry is almost common to parents with more than one child. Not only exclusive to young children, sibling rivalry even extends even to children's adulthood. For the parents, if you hear the fighting and bickering happening, let each c...

Parenting  parenting child when
COMMITMENT: Teaching Children the Lessons of a Lifetime

COMMITMENT: Teaching Children the Lessons of a Lifetime by: Jeffrey M. Miller It's been said, time and again, that for a child to learn what is most important, he must be shown the lessons through example, not through words. And, if we are ...

Parenting  parenting children child important
The Real Dangers to Kids Online and How to Avoid Them

Real Dangers to Kids Online and How to Avoid Them by: Joshua Finer Did you know 1 out of 5 kids has been sexually solicited online 1 out of 4 kids has been sent a picture of naked people or people having sex online that May 21, 2002 there was t...

Parenting  parenting child internet children
Fixing Teen Problems - Pressures And Understanding

As a parent of young children I was often warned by older parents about how much harder it is once your children reach their teens. I was warned about bad attitudes, resent, conflict, defiance, dishonesty, vandalism, drugs, alcohol, stealing, rule-br...

Parenting  parenting parents right teens
Three Ways That The Happy Child Guide Will Help You With Child Disciplining!

If you are being affected by child disciplining problems, there is a strong likelihood that the happy child guide can assist you. An essential factor to take into account, prior to us starting, is the fact that it can be best to keep a receptive imag...

Parenting  parenting child children fact
Do I Have To Share My Kids With My Ex?

Why do you want to spend less time with your children when growing up happens so quickly these days? Don't you look back on how many years have gone already and wonder how it's passed so fast?! And to think you've got to spend less tim...

Parenting  parenting children time them
Teaching Children Respect and Creating a Happy Family!

It is always with astonishment that I see parents bully and belittle their children and then complain that those same children are hateful or disrespectful! Honestly, how loving and respectful can a child feel about someone who constantly criticizes...

Parenting  parenting children from
The Empowered Parenting Ezine Great Advice for Today's Parent!

EmpoweredParent.com EzineGoalsEmpowered Parenting Ezine is enjoying it's 4th year of continuous online publication. Our mission remains the same to provide Today's parent with information, advice and how-to articles by experts in many fiel...

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