1,396 articles about "renting"

Reincarnation: Sacred Children Series - 1 of 3

Reincarnation: Sacred Children Series - 1 of 3 by: Skye Thomas Many years ago, my children were raised on the various teachings and concepts of "magic" as I was studying different religions and spiritual beliefs. I had come across many metaphysi...

Parenting  parenting time
Avoiding Parenting Mistakes By Learning As Much As You Can Before You Have Children

The value of having knowledge in advance should never be underestimated. Before you try to assemble a new piece of furniture it is advisable to first read through the instructions. Before you operate a piece of unfamiliar machinery for the first time...

Parenting  parenting children child about
Being Creative with a Children"s Allowance

Now how do we make a children's allowance effective? I'm a parent and I have been nagged and hassled by my child to buy them the latest video game or toy. A lot of the times I just buy them what they want just so they'll stop bugging m...

Parenting  parenting money child will
Why Kids Toys Are For Kids

Why Kids Toys Are For Kids by: Jennifer Gove I have made a discovery in my adult life, kids toys were made for kids. Now I know you may be puzzled about this because we all have sat down and played with our children, but if you peer deeper into ...

Parenting  parenting kids love room
Unilateral Disarmament - The First Step to Improving Communications with Your Teenagers

Unilateral Disarmament - The First Step to Improving Communications with Your Teenagers by: V. Michael Santoro, M. Ed. Many times, we are so conditioned in how we speak that we do not realize whether or not we are effectively communicating with ...

Parenting  parenting teen will
Honest Parenting

WHICH ROAD DO I HAVE TO TAKE TO REAR A GOOD CHILD? All throughout the parenting process, you'll find yourself thinking and even daydreaming about things like wonderful times you will spend with your child, but you have to put that one on hold...

Parenting  parenting child parent
4 Tips for Boosting and Strengthening a Child's Self Esteem

It's natural for parents to resist babying their children when they feel down or beat themselves up inside. There's a part of us that feels they need to learn to accept the world on it's own terms and that if we leave them somewhat to ...

Parenting  parenting children
How To Relieve Your Child's Boredom

The words "I'm bored " are probably one of the most common childhood complaints. And it seems to cause the most defensive reaction in parents. That could be because many parents take their words at face value. They also may try to immediately so...

Parenting  parenting donapost child
Top Ten Nutritional Tips for Children

With video games, TV, computers, poor meal choices and the internet, children are facing a health crisis of their own. Children as a whole are less healthy than they used to be in times past. Diabetesthought to be a mainly adult disease in the pastâ€...

Parenting  parenting child children
General Anxiety Disorders In Children

The manifestation and effects of GAD in children can be very harmful. Therefore, adults need to be alert to catch the problem as early as possible. Five major warning signs are as follows: 1. Children show extra concern about future - you will find ...

Parenting  parenting children child self