3,520 articles about "develop"

Avoid Getting Ripped Off By A Hosting Company...

When it comes to building a website, your choice of hosting company can make or break your online success. Inexperienced website owners may not realize the importance of selecting a reputable hosting provider, and may end up with a terrible hosting e...

Web Development  development additional host spending hosting month getting
Why should I use blogs and RSS feeds

Why should I use blogs and RSS feeds?Blogs and RSS feeds are great marketing tools! Now, if you’re like me, you’re probably scratching your head and saying, “Wonderful, but what in the world is a blog, and what the heck does an RSS feed?” Le...

Web Development  development feeds anita simple blog content
Learning ASP Series Your First ASP Page

ASP (Active Server Pages) is a Microsoft technology that allows developers to create dynamic web applications. ASP is a server-side scripting language that is used to build web pages that can access and interact with databases, display and manipulate...

Web Development  development server script pages scripting java when
Adware - Should I be Afraid?

Adware - Should I be Afraid? by: Sharon Housley Developers offering downloads are paying the price for the malformed truths that have been put forth regarding downloads. While not a political campaign the smears are ever present in the adware ar...

Online Business  online business software adware developers freeware companies
Get FREE copy of Fully-Working TierDeveloper Windows Edition

Get FREE copy of Fully-Working TierDeveloper Windows Edition by: Momina Dar AlachiSoft TierDeveloper is an O/R mapping and code generation tool that simplifies the complexities of N-Tier Applications and lets you develop real-life applications ...

Web Development  development tier tierdeveloper application windows database applications edition
Javascript Basics 01

JavaScript adds simple or sophisticated interactivity to a Web site, enhancing the user's experience. Like any programming language, you need to understand the building blocks before you can start programming.Start at the BeginningBrowsers know ...

Web Development  development javascript alert statement document
Google Flaws and Fixes

There have been many criticisms recently of Google and it's page rank algorithm. First, to the criticisms of Google itself. Has anyone noticed that Google currently indexes 4 billion odd web pages? Very few of us had the time to trod through Goo...

Web Development  development google link googleaposs rank algorithm
Website Psychology

Website Psychology incorporates three areas of research. Color Psychology, Psychological Triggers and Critical Thinking’s own Psychological process. Using Psychology, sales are optimized, customer interaction and retention is enhanced, and return v...

Web Development  development color sites psychology psychological triggers into
Choosing The Right Blog-Tools

Choosing The Right Blog-ToolsBloggers are constantly discovering new ways to express their ideas through new markup.There are bloggers who are using the latest state-of-the-art “visual” web design programs, but few others consider using HTML code...

Web Development  development bloggers comments type page
The Balance of Lives

George Bush is ready to spend $7.5 billion dollars to protect the US from a disease that currently poses no danger and has so far killed no Americans, and only 62 people worldwide. Meanwhile, Bill Gates, much maligned by the media and internet geeks,...

Government  government malaria vaccine gates disease development