3,520 articles about "develop"

Gogle Search Engine - Analyzing the Misspelling Strategy

To Gogle, Or Not To Gogle?A while back I was posting an article submitted by one of our regular authors on LilEngine.com and I did it a bit faster than I normally would. I was in a hurry to catch an appointment and was already running late. While pos...

Web Development  development traffic search misspellings keyword
Absolute & Relative Links How Do They Rank

Absolute & Relative Links How Do They Rank?The question for this article is whether or not youshould use "absolute url's" or "relative url's"? Notonly that, this article researches whether or notGoogle ranks these methods differently.Absolu...

Web Development  development rank absolute urlaposs relative site
Google has a flaw Didn’t think it was possible.

First off, Google is king. Yahoo buying Inktomi and Overture puts them back on top for now, but Google is clearly the Yahoo of the 00’s. However, we do have a few particular beefs with the mighty and mostly benevolent Google. Google has a problem w...

Web Development  development google clicks terms over
Web Analytics - Murder by Numbers - Part 1

TERMS OF REPRINTYou have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included and you follow these rules:Email distribution of this article MUST be opt-in email only.You must forward a cop...

Web Development  development banner visits lead leads
A Change in Paradigm Dedicated Server

I found it hard to believe, but suddenly I was faced with a realproblem. Well, I suppose most people would not consider it a hugeproblem, quite the opposite, in fact. However, it was stressingme out complete, interfering with my writing. I even had t...

Web Development  development hosting bandwidth sites shared been
Awards Programs Judging Sites

Okay, so you've taken the plunge and created your awards program. Yourcriteria are defined and well written, your purpose is understood and you'vepromoted the heck out of your program. Now you've started gettingapplications - and the r...

Web Development  development criteria sites award which
Web Site Management Guestbooks

Have you ever visited a web site, liked what you saw and wanted to leave aquick note to the webmaster to let him know your feelings? Did you find agreat website which entertained you for hours, and you felt like you had tolet the person who created i...

Web Development  development guestbook visitors email
Web Blogs Defined, Explained and Understood

What are Blogs? Having heard the term previously but not having paid much attention most are just to afraid to show their ignorance and ask the question, what is a blog? Lets face it; the term blog does not conjure pleasant images. Blogs are web logs...

Web Development  development blog blogs content blogging daily business
Customer's Excellence Generates to Web Site Hosting!

Customer's Excellence Generates to Web Site Hosting! by: Murat Demir For those of you with Web sites, you credibly love what a "host" is. It's a company that provides a location, or address, along the Internet where your Web site resid...

Web Development  development hosting companies combustion through
Three Reasons Premium Joomla Templates Should Develop Your Website

Premium joomla templates represent a unique opportunity for a company which is trying to make a strong beginning in the online business environment of the net. The internet market is presently over saturated with millions of web sites looking to take...

Web Development  development premium joomla templates business site