883 articles on "government"

The Bitch: Once We Feared The USSR!

Well Darlings, Following the NHS link to the failed car bomb attacks in London and Glasgow, we're told Prime Minister Gordon Brown has ordered an urgent review into how NHS doctors are recruited from overseas - but will that be sufficient? What...

Government  government failed brain seeker accepted asylum
The Dos and Don"ts of Making Political Signs

Making political signs is not an easy task at all as even if you have political agendas that need to be addressed, you cannot use it for the wrong reasons. Making such a sign is similar to making any other campaigning sign or hoarding but here only t...

Government  government signs political making from
The Problem of Poverty

The problem of poverty has persisted from the earliest days of humanity. Thousands of solutions have been proposed from socialism, welfare, charities, and aid - but the problem still rages on unabated. Many point to the environmental problems that ca...

Government  government poverty problem problems liberty
Grasstops: An Excerpt from 'Persuading Congress'

You may not be as familiar with the term "grasstops." In the lobbying world, it refers to efforts to influence Congress through contacts with corporate CEOs and other VIPs. In this context, though, VIP is a loose term. For example, if the American Me...

Government  government members time grasstops member people
War, What is it Good For

War is on everyone's mind, and it is our first thought before peace is even considered. Thoughts of peace are trigged by the thoughts of war. Society has a passion for war, and it offers all of us something personal, and an opportunity to expre...

Government  government peace opportunity hate humanity
Is There Anything More Disingenuous Than a Whining, Petulant Political Party in America?

Presidential elections provide a lot of humor when you can recognize the joke. Every few days some new, outrageous flap kicks another outrageous flap off of the front page of our nation's daily newspapers. Now the Democrats are all upset that ...

Government  government democrats libby politics
Corporate Crime

Corporate crime? I'm not sure that there is such a thing. If we want to reduce the crimes that are given that lable, we need to quit handing out large punitive fines to corporations. The idea isn't as radical as it sounds. First of all, wh...

Government  government crime corporate company fines crimes
Government Employees Are Entrepreneurs, Too!

There is a myth that presumes that civil servants (government employees)are not motivated.I beg to differ that opinion. For many, there remains a visualization of the government employee from the 50s and 60s, strudging along with their plastic IDs an...

Business And Finance  business finance civil government servant
Terri Schiavo Dancing

Connecting Terri Schiavo to Mr BojanglesHe said the name, Bojangles, and he danced a lick Across the cell. He grabbed his pants, a better stance, he jumped up high, He clicked his heels. He let go a laugh, he let go a laugh, Shook back his clothes a...

Government  government michael skating terri some
How The Government Pension Offset May Affect Social Security Benefits?

How The Government Pension Offset May Affect Social Security Benefits? by: Jinky C. Mesias The government pension offset is in fact a reduction in the benefit which a social security member’s spouse is likely to experience especially if the sp...

Legal  legal social security benefits government pension spouse offset benefit