883 articles on "government"

Political Robo Calling that works

With the landscape of American politics becoming extremely polarized, the use of many different techniques to illicit a positive or negative response from the voters are being conducted outside of traditional radio and television methods. A new metho...

Government  government robo radio telemarketing voice conducted calling
Murder As Government Policy

Dear Governor Blagojevich,May we daily increase in wisdom, love, gratitude, reverence, healing, peace, joy, happiness, laughter and prosperity.I am writing to commend you on the compassion you have shown the children of Illinois and to ask if a form...

Government  government state prisoners supplements medical
What You Should Know About Medicare

Medicare is the Federal health insurance program that is available to older people and to many of those with disabilities. Generally, a person is eligible for Medicare when turning age 65. In other instances, a person with a disability may be eligibl...

Government  government medicare services health part eligible coverage
Treating Development Networks Seriously

TREATING DEVELOPMENT NETWORKS SERIOUSLY: WHAT PUBLIC MANAGERS SHOULD KNOWPublic policymakers have always been preoccupied with issues to do with economic development. In recent years, these issues have come to dominate the agendas of state and local ...

Government  government development policymaking urban issues public economic
2010 - Memorable and Forgettable Political Quotes From Our Politcians

As the year draws to an end I thought it would be a good idea to review some of the mostly inane quotes that our political class graced us with this past year. They are either memorable or forgettable but most of them are a sad commentary about the i...

Government  government political associated senator
The Truth About the Community Reinvestment Act

Following the housing crisis and the 2008 financial collapse, there has been a lot of finger-pointing regarding the culprits of the mess. One such scapegoat has been the Community Reinvestment Act. Most people, however, have no idea what this act is,...

Government  government lending mortgage financial institutions institution high
The Bitch: Dying For A Party!

Well Darlings, I'm sure, in these hard times of crippling cuts to our essential services, we all feel better for knowing the inmates of our prisons may not be suffering. In fact, things might be looking up for them. Tory prisons minister, Crisp...

Government  government party prisons public prisoners riot
Sigmund Freud's Nephew and Corporate Alien Control

His name was Edward L. Bernays. He was Sigmund Freud's Nephew. He was born in Vienna on November 22, 1891 and died in his home at Cambridge, Massachusetts on March 9, 1995 at the age of 103. Before the early twentieth century, marketers thought...

Government  government public bernays media spin relations people
Obama To Close Atlantic And Pacific Oceans?

In an effort to exert total control over all aspects of American life, high ranking far-left liberal members of the Obama administration and Congress are rumored to be holding secret talks among themselves regarding closing the oceans bordering the U...

Government  government oceans closing political reasons ocean american
The Sikh British Army - VE Celebrations Birmingham

Sikhs have always been known as great warriors. During the two World Wars over 80,000 Sikhs gave their lives for the allied cause.Whilst Birmingham celebrates VE Day we could do well to remember this. Often unforgotten, there are many Sikhs who have ...

Government  government sikhs british world sikh army fought