883 articles on "government"

The Paradoxes of the Free Movement of Attorneys in Europe

The possibility of becoming a lawyer in Spain to register as "avvocato" in Italy is known by Italians as the future lawyers "via spagnola. The process is based on the approval in Spain for a diploma in foreign law schools and then have access to the ...

Government  government spain legal profession access italy italian
Illinois' Network of Social Services

It is a sad truth that most of us will know extreme hardship at some point in our lives. At such a time, it is important to know that we have people in our corner that we can count on should a need arise. Unfortunately, with more and more familie...

Government  government illinois state care
Immobile Government - Can Our Political Class Solve The Drug Trafficking Problem?

One of the major problems facing this country is the lost war on drugs. Initiated over forty years ago, all levels of U.S. government have probably spent over a trillion dollars and have made very little progress in the battle, with a lawless narco s...

Government  government drug border mexican would
The Liberty Connection

Our lives our interconnected. Our successes are results of our many parts working together, and our failures never happen in a vacuum. Successful people live balanced lives by keeping their emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual, and physical par...

Government  government belief economic problem religious liberty governmental educational
It Is Not Government Of, For, and By the People

The recent Colorado Republican Assembly in Loveland, CO, May 21-22, was both inspiring in scope and troubling in intent. This assembly represents my first experience in a long life to become engaged in the political process from local caucus to final...

Government  government party candidates assembly process electorate
Ur-bin Legend

I may be repulsed at the deeds orchestrated by Osama bin Laden... But I'm even more repulsed at the ineptitude displayed in the attempts to stop him and his cause. I mean, the guy's a murderous criminal. He's an anti-Muslim, as any c...

Government  government laden muslim qaeda osama
Kashmir Terrorism: Origin and Growth

Broadly speaking, when justice and right are denied to a person over a longer period of time, the person is left with two options: bear the situation patiently, or the reaction is anguish, and that reaction, in the process culminates into terrorism. ...

Government  government terrorism masters religious
1984 is the definitive book of the 20th century

"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." George Orwell George Orwell's dystopian classic novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, has been voted as the book t...

Government  government doublethink newspeak nineteen george while
Economic Sacred Cows Are Out of Milk

No matter which decade you went to college you probably took econ. As David Brooks of The New York Times writes, "economics was the queen of the social sciences." Psychology, sociology, history and anthropology were "easier", not quite so solid. No l...

Government  government educated people cultural were
The Bitch and The Big Society!

Well Darlings, If you scan through the recent news headlines, you could easily become depressed. Wars and civil disturbances are raging in many parts of the world, with other huge areas battling unrelenting freak weather conditions, while at home in...

Government  government liverpool news local society