169 articles on "headline"

Close More Sales With A Strong P.S.

While a headline is designed to grab the reader’sattention, the P.S. is the workhorse of your salesletter that actually closes the sales and puts moneyin your bank account.Statistics show that a strong headline is a must tohold the reader’s atten...

Marketing  marketing customer give headline sales
Put Your Homepage To Work!

Your homepage is probably the most important page of your whole Web site. Yes, even more important than your order page (or the pages where you pre-sell affiliate program products).The first page most of your visitors will land on is your homepage. I...

Web Development  development headline important sales work
Make Your Website Headline Sell

When a visitor arrives at your website, the first thing they look at is the headline. You have just a few seconds to make a good impression. Otherwise, they may not stick around to read the rest of the page.Unfortunately, most small business websites...

Writing  writing headline product when
6 ‘Must-Have’ Elements of an Effective Brochure

Most brochures that businesses put out today end up doing little to impact the sales of that business. By applying the 6 must-have elements listed below you will transform you brochure from trash can lining into a powerful sales tool.1.A Benefit-Fill...

Marketing  marketing brochure headline prospects benefit them
Headlines Bring SalesWhere and How to Use Them

Headlines Bring SalesWhere and How to Use ThemJudy Cullins c. 2003 All Rights ReservedHeadlines are short vital statements to stimulate your potentialcustomers and clients to take action. That means sales! Sinceyou only have 10 seconds to attract you...

Marketing  marketing sales headline headlines benefit
Headlines Your Big Opener

The headline is probably the most important thing onthe most important page of your web site.Yet far too many web designers ignore its power andsimply put up a meaningless statement: "Welcome to mysite."If your headline doesn't grab the attentio...

Web Development  development headlines words headline most
7 Tips For Killer Headlines!

As with good ad copy, all successful headlines are written by following andusing specific formulas. Where do you get these formulas you ask? I'll getto that in a moment. First you must have the information you need to applyto these formulas. Thi...

Writing  writing headline donapost headlines power
A Simple 7-Step Formula For Testing Your Headlines

Do you want to know a secret ? Successful entrepreneurs are notso successful because they know everything better than you. Theyare successful because they TEST every advertising campaign firstbefore they are spending "big" money on effective forms of...

Marketing  marketing ezine headlines successful
6 Must-Have Element of an Effective Brochure

6 Must-Have Element of an Effective Brochure by: Brett Curry Most brochures that businesses put out today end up doing little to impact the sales of that business. By applying the 6 must-have elements listed below you will transform you brochure...

Marketing  marketing brochure headline prospects benefit
The Two Biggest Web Site Mistakes and How to Correct Them

The Two Biggest Web Site Mistakes and How to Correct ThemJudy Cullins c. 2003 All Rights ReservedMistake One: No reason to buy.Think about what your visitors want when they visit yourWeb site.. They want free information. They want solutions totheir ...

Online Business  online business headlines visitors sales