169 articles on "headline"

Want More Sales? Write A Barry Bonds Sales Letter

Want More Sales? Write A Barry Bonds Sales Letter by: Dean Phillips I'm not a baseball fan. Never have been. In fact, I hate the sport. However, I am a Barry Bonds fan. Here's why: Barry Bonds possesses the exact same intangibles every...

Marketing  marketing sales letter formula headline want
The Write Formula

What's the difference between effective sales copy and copy that will fall flat on its face? There are a lot of ingredients that go into good sales copy. Here are just a few of them: Put Yourself into It!You should know who your ideal customer i...

Writing  writing sales reader headline
Don't be Anonymous Anymore: 7 Ways to use Orange Snowflakes to Increase Traffic and Internet Profits

t be Anonymous Anymore: 7 Ways to use Orange Snowflakes to Increase Traffic and Internet Profits by: Johannes GarridoOut of the over 1 billion web pages on the net, exactly HOW do you plan to get your site noticed? The Answer - Orange Snowflakes...

Online Business  online business sales classified headline offer orange
Test Your Headlines for Maximum Profits

Test Your Headlines for Maximum Profits by: George Dodge Professional copywriters do not simply write or select one headline and then hope for the best. They create a number of different headlines; often times as many as a hundred before selecti...

Marketing  marketing headline headlines response testing
Progressive Headlines Guide Customers To Buy

Progressive Headlines Guide Customers To Buy by: Karon Thackston Headlines are, without a doubt, one of the most important elements in copywriting. As has been said countless times before, if you don't get your readers’ attention with the...

Marketing  marketing headlines read heads create
80% of All Advertising Is Wasted Due To This Common Mistake

80% of All Advertising Is Wasted Due To This Common Mistake by: John Jantsch You’re flipping through this publication as you wait for your latte, when suddenly you decide to stop and read an ad. What made you stop? I’ll bet it was an attenti...

Online Business  online business headline reader read headlines them
7 Emotional Appeals You Can Use To Super Charge Your Headlines

A great way to attract more prospects and increase your business is by using emotional appeals in your headlines. People make the decision to buy your products or services based on psychological triggers. They want the benefits of your products help ...

Writing  writing desire headlines want
The Ugly Side Of Internet Marketing, What The Gurus Won't Tell You!

The Ugly Side Of Internet Marketing, What The Gurus Won't Tell You! by: Al Martinovic Did that headline grab your attention? I have experimented with many different headlines on my sites and found that you can take the same sales letter ye...

Marketing  marketing headline sales headlines attention
Overture ad campaign

This article reviews the essentials of conducting a great Overture ad campaign: the many advantages of good advertising where to advertise on a small budget the basic composition of an ad how to make your ads stand out how to write an ad the purpose ...

Marketing  marketing product headline reader make
10 Classic E-zine Advertising Tips

10 Classic E-zine Advertising Tips by: Ken Hill 1. Target your advertising. The more targeted the e-zine is for your offer, the greater your response will be for your proven ad. 2. Track your ads. Don't leave your ad campaigns to guesswo...

Marketing  marketing headline donapost youaposll zine site