4,892 articles related to "computers and internet"

Virtual Server Hosting Services Companies in India

Virtual Server Hosting has become a cult amongst the web hosting genre. The service has also been in huge demand in India for the number of credible service providers working here and the versatility in their service. The very fact the VPS gets segre...

Computers And Internet  computers internet service server india hosting companies
Create Your Own Business Cards, Part 2

Create Your Own Business Cards, Part 2 by: Jane Fulton This is the second part of creating your own business card. If you missed the first one, let me know: mailto:webmistress@janes-place.com Click in the box, where you want your text to appear...

Computers And Internet  computers internet card business menuapos
When is Too Much Color Too Much

At the onset of creating a digital document for printing, you must have decided if you are going to use two or more colors for your type. It is important that you must have familiarized yourself with the basics of color and color combinations and its...

Computers And Internet  computers internet color types type colors
gomembers new Preferred Rewards program delivers additional value to customers

Herndon, VA gomembers, Inc. (http://www.gomembers.com), is pleased to announce the launching of their new Preferred Rewards program. This new program offers added benefits for gomembers’ customers who hold (PSA) Preferred Support Agreements. The Pr...

Computers And Internet  computers internet gomembers customers solutions products member software gomembersapos enable
What is the Fuss

Note: reproduction in e-zine is permitted provided author is informed. What is the Fuss?I am a young surfer, barely six-months old. But I already know that spamming is a sin, soon to be made a crime. However, as an adult who has been around for quit...

Computers And Internet  computers internet advertising spamming kind really emails
Transducers - The Remarkable Changers

Complex control systems all make use of signals that can be easily measured and altered remotely. Automatically operated machines or actuators need to be powered either by electrical motors, pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders. The most common signals ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet electrical signals movement change transducer signal pneumatic
Benefits of DVR Players

A DVR player's best benefit is enabling people to have more control over their day-to-day schedules. A Digital Video Recorder (DVR) allows you to record video in digital format on the DVR's hard drive. A DVR is a cross between a video tape ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet digital programs player players video record
The Chinese Room Revisited

Whole forests have been wasted in the effort to refute the Chinese Room Thought Experiment proposed by Searle in 1980 and refined (really derived from axioms) in 1990. The experiment envisages a room in which an English speaker sits, equipped with a ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet mental states intelligence source intelligent
Get Your Flash Videos on TV

Get Your Flash Videos on TV by: Lisa Janice Getting your Flash on TV? Isn’t Flash for the Web? Yeah, that’s right. Macromedia's Flash can be used to create videos for television. Why would you want to do this if it's gonna cost you...

Computers And Internet  computers internet flash video create videos
Valerie Kirschenbaum's "Goodbye Gutenberg"

Valerie Kirschenbaum's "Goodbye Gutenberg" by: Nash Ville Truly, color is what makes our lives exciting. This might be the reason why Valerie Kirschenbaum has written and designed a masterpiece known as “Goodbye Guttenberg” containing p...

Computers And Internet  computers internet book books goodbye want