Greenhouse gas tracking will be covered by a federal mandate in the United States and the first reports are due in 2011 for the previous year's GHG emissions data. Those affected, including business and government agencies, must comply or be sub...
Government government greenhouse emissions gases global tracking carbon reporting warmingGreenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been a topic of concern for many years and are a significant contributor to climate change. In response to this problem, many countries have taken steps to reduce their GHG emissions. One such step is the tracking ...
Government government greenhouse emissions gases global tracking carbon reporting warmingCourt reporting is the process of transcribing the spoken word during court hearings, official proceedings and live events. The field itself is quiet steady in its growth, growing with the national average (according to the bureau of labor statistics...
Education education court online courses training transcription reporting studentsThe judicial system and many other fields which require the transcription of the spoken word (word-for-word copy of a vocal conversation/ monologue/ argument) require professionally trained and certified verbatim reporters. The training required to b...
Education education court reporting level online courses transcriptionNew Directory Unites Scopists and Court Reporters by: Scoping Central Until now the available methods for a court reporter to find a scopist were limited, especially since most scopists are freelancers who work from home. That’s why Mithros We...
Legal legal court reporters work scopists scoping reportingMicrosoft Great Plains fits multiple services market niche and healthcare is not exemption. In the case of Healthcare/Hospital there is usually healthcare patient history tracking system in place and backoffice or accounting application should be int...
Computers And Internet computers internet plains reports reporting healthcare fromIf you or a family member are seriously injured in a boating accident, then it is important for you to understand how maritime law operates. One of the first things you should do if you or a family member is seriously injured in a recreational boatin...
Legal legal accident boating report recreational vessel reporting state federalNavision Customization: C/SIDE, C/ODBC, C/FRONT, XBRL – development options by: Robert Horowitz Microsoft bought Navision, Denmark based software development company, along with Great Plains Software. Now Microsoft Business Solutions offers fo...
Computers And Internet computers internet navision business reporting reports usingNavision Sales Module & Reporting: Jet Reports, C/ODBC, XBRL, Business Analytics – highlights by: Daniela Yurica Kariya Microsoft bought Navision, Denmark based software development company, along with Great Plains Software. Now Microsoft Busi...
Computers And Internet computers internet navision reports business reporting basedAccording to the IRS, taxpayers underpay their taxes by some $300 billion. If you know someone that is contributing to that deficit, the IRS may be willing to pay you up to $10 million for the information you provide. The bigger the cheating you repo...
Business And Finance business finance fraud youaposre reporting documentation