"God Bless America" is a well-known phrase throughout the land. The Bible tells us how to receive His blessings. Yet, America is running in the opposite direction.By their example, our forefathers taught how to make America great. Our nation was fou...
Government government america forefathers blessings bless wouldOn October 25, 2005, at approximately 8:00 a.m, PST., Esther was traveling along a double rural highway road in the Northern California town of Susanville in Lassen County. Her small truck had several bales of hay balanced in the back. The speed limi...
Government government approximately speed october veryThere are many questions surrounding the Ambassador Leo Wanta story that need answering no matter if the $4.5 trillion is released or not. As Sherlock Holmes would say, "When you think you know the truth, think again!" If Holmes were here he probabl...
Government government money wanta trillions people questions ambassador beenHitler used to have riots started by having members of the GESTAPO infiltrate groups that were opposed to the NAZI regime, the GESTAPO was the political police force of the NAZIs. They would dress as civilians, and entice others to attack the NAZI so...
Government government police officers force excessive theyTo seriously discharge our duty as a citizen in the broadest sense signifies being a man or woman who thinks and acts in the public realm and the public good. Allow us to check out to define what we indicate by the actions of a great citizen. A exc...
Government government citizen citizenship lives willAs a Jew, I find it both fascinating and alarming to watch the political/philosophical/moral debate raging in this country between the leftist secular progressives and right wing Christian fundamentalists. As most of us know, the secularists, who cla...
Government government public divine stricken documentsOn October 25, 2005, at approximately 8:00 a.m, PST., Esther was traveling along a double rural highway in the Northern California town of Susanville in Lassen County. Her small truck had several bales of hay balanced in the back. The speed limit was...
Government government approximately speed driveway veryRecent media reports have brought attention to the U.S. border with Mexico and the crisis brought about by an exploding and increasingly dangerous drug trade. Examples of this crisis include countless reports of local Mexican officials being murdered...
Government government border mexico intelligence crisis drugCreated to stem the flow of illegal diamonds, The Kimberley Process is on the tip of collapse, as its leading designer, Ian Smillie, leaves angrily. He says governments and the industry have to act against gross violations. Blood Diamonds are used t...
Government government diamonds illegal governments african area tradeEverybody has a story that breaks the heart, but have you ever noticed that those that have overcome the worst trials and tribulations are sometimes the most joyful? What is their secret? What sets apart those who rise above their circumstances and t...
Government government liberty consequences live will