"Wag the Dog" is a euphemism for when a politician in trouble wages a war or does some other diversion to get the heat off his back. President Obama, it appears to me, is doing a "Wag the Mosque" as a smokescreen for a tanking deflation economy durin...
Government government president mosque obamaInflation And The Peaking Of The American Empire How Did The U.S. Empire Get The Tribute It Deserved As The World's Main Empire For The Last 100 Plus Years? By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU I ask this question all the time and never g...
Government government money world empire inflation goldRead the following and then you decide if you think you are still living in a free country: - You are not living in a free country if your retirement medical care, via Medicare, is dependent on the actions and whims of politicians. - You are not l...
Government government country living politiciansThe media have been reporting excessively on the BP Oil Spill Disaster. Barely any coverage has been devoted to three all important questions; who is responsible for this man-made catastrophe, who has been an active accessory, and who has been caught...
Government government drilling waters damages citizensRepublicans are using a smokescreen but they also are in the process of turning against the war and demanding a withdrawal. What became of all the hot rhetoric about being tough on terrorism, that Iraq was the center of the war on terrorism, and that...
Government government iraq forces vietnam overWith the immediate implementation of what has been called " The Wanta Plan" everyone benefits except the Illuminati and New World Order, according to London financial writer Christopher Story in his latest article. And this is exactly why, Story add...
Government government wanta financial cottrell american ambassador storyJust what is a political debate? It is a means for different oppositions to state their viewpoint with the aim of converting the audience or reader to their viewpoint. There are various types of conundrums depending on the event. You will have public...
Government government debate political discussionsMany state and local governments are heading towards financial insolvency as a result of their state employee pension and retiree medical liabilities. Consider an article from the October 18, 2010 issue of Businessweek magazine: - According to a stu...
Government government state winery liabilities moneyWell Darlings, The world is full of self-centred insignificant little people with stupid (read: extremist) ideas. It seems every street has at least one. They are the frogs that fart in the long grass, and unless you are unfortunate enough to dwell ...
Government government media news world little unheardBenito Mussolini entered the world in 1883. His mother was a dedicated teacher in the school system with strong Roman Catholic values. His father was an anarchist and a blacksmith by trade. He was, also, a member, with active status, of the Italian S...
Government government mussolini italian socialist benito school years