It does not happen often but every once in a while we come across an instance of a government entity actually reducing its costs and inefficiency when it comes to spending taxpayer money. A short article by Ryan Tracy in the August 23, 2010 issue of ...
Government government politicians medicaid wisconsin political wereFood and bioenergy crops are now competing for land, water and other resources in many parts of the world according to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation. The FAO argues that the rising price of basic foods in 2007 - 08 that generated f...
Government government food biofuels production crops likeEconomists through years of study and practice have concluded that through free trade, based on the principal of comparative advantage, the world economy can achieve a more efficient allocation of resources and a higher level of material well-being. ...
Government government trade barriers protectionism foreign whichAs I write this, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the Vice Presidential Chief of Staff under President Bush has been indicted under five counts of lying, perjury and obstructing justice. I do want us to be clear on the meaning of the word "indicted." It doesn&...
Government government child emperor children clothes beautiful anderson theyMedicare is the Federal health insurance program that is available to older people and to many of those with disabilities. Generally, a person is eligible for Medicare when turning age 65. In other instances, a person with a disability may be eligibl...
Government government medicare services health part eligible coverageAny chances for a country to be ruled by alternative rule will always be zero because -as many economists, philosophers and scientists claim- the way the various parts reality consist of interrelate is dominated by forces we won’t in a billion year...
Government government ideas itselfMany of the web sites that you uncover on this subject will be useful, but there will be a few that won't be. The information superhighway is overflowing with great and great information on the topic of immigration naturalization consultant. Yet...
Government government consultant naturalization immigration thereSince the legislation known as Obama Care was passed back in the spring, it seems like a good time to revisit the legislation and see what has happened in the health care industry since then. Unfortunately, for both the President and millions of Amer...
Government government care health insurance obama legislationFollowing the housing crisis and the 2008 financial collapse, there has been a lot of finger-pointing regarding the culprits of the mess. One such scapegoat has been the Community Reinvestment Act. Most people, however, have no idea what this act is,...
Government government lending mortgage financial institutions institution highWell Darlings, I'm sure, in these hard times of crippling cuts to our essential services, we all feel better for knowing the inmates of our prisons may not be suffering. In fact, things might be looking up for them. Tory prisons minister, Crisp...
Government government party prisons public prisoners riot