806 articles related to "government"

War, What is it Good For

War is on everyone's mind, and it is our first thought before peace is even considered. Thoughts of peace are trigged by the thoughts of war. Society has a passion for war, and it offers all of us something personal, and an opportunity to expre...

Government  government peace opportunity hate humanity
Top World Leaders Working Together To Destroy America

The world is firmly in the hands of the evil Illuminati under Vatican and Jesuit control and here are a few examples illustrating the problem facing freedom fighters in America. First, it must be understood the New World Order leaders around the wor...

Government  government world illuminati america vatican working together
When Rules Fail

When disaster strikes, why does law and order break down almost immediately? Whether it is a natural or man-made event, why do the people in the vicinity sudenly act as though laws don't exist ? During electricity failures some cities experien...

Government  government laws citizens authorities itaposs people

The two leading methods of controlling the masses are Nationalism and Religion. In this article we will look at how Religion influences people into doing things that they would not do normally. Practically every religion has some bad logic associate...

Government  government city things joshua people
Make Your Vote Count

Election time in the United States is fast approaching. Choices need to be made and votes cast. In the scheme of things - there are winners and losers. In the cold, hard factual world, the voters are not always the victors - the candidates are not al...

Government  government election voters person
U.S. Passport Primer A Guide to the New Passport Regulations

Thanks to new federal passport proposals, the cost of a Caribbean cruise, a Cancun honeymoon, or a Vancouver theater weekend could be going up. The security-related changes, scheduled to take effect over the next 2 1/2 years, will affect Americans wh...

Government  government passport apply travel person
As The Illinois Economic Death Spiral Begins, Can The Federal Government Be Far Behind?

Interesting but sad reading from a recent Associated Press report. The article reported that the state of Illinois has now reached the desperation phase of its economic malaise: - The state has not paid many of its bills for months due to shortfall ...

Government  government state income illinois levels taxes
BP Oil Spill Response: Incompetency Reigns Supreme

With recent deep sea video clearly showing an open well head gushing thousands of gallons of oil a day into the Gulf of Mexico, it also clearly shows the efforts of BP's oil spill response team to be incompetent at best. The oil spill clean up ...

Government  government spill head response
The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 28: White House Said Will Release Wanta $4.5 Trillion "When We Are G... Damn Ready!"

As pressure is being put on the White House by foreign banks and heads of state to release the $4.5 trillion Wanta money, Michael C. Cottrell, the treasurer of the company formed to distribute the money for the benefit of the American people, remains...

Government  government wanta money cottrell ambassador chinese
The Leo Wanta Saga Pt. 1: 'The 27.5 Trillion Dollar Man'; Wanta Is Legal Trustee Of Funds On Behalf Of The American People

The only thing standing in the way of life and death for Ambassador Leo Wanta is he "knows where the money is hidden" and the Illuminati banksters don't. A former U.S. Treasury official appointed trustee to a large sum of money by President Ron...

Government  government wanta money american fund people wantaaposs financial