Array ( [about] => government [p] => 42 )
Dr. Hansen is considered by all measures a very able scientist, perhaps one excessively so. His effort to publicize his data and conclusions on the effect of greenhouse gasses has led to a troubling censorship situation. Dr. Hansen and Intimidation...
Government government hansen data global warming view troublingConnecting Acre, Brazil, a state in the Amazon, with the cities of Matarani, Ilo, and San Juan de Marcona which are located along Peru's southern coast is the Trans-Oceanic Highway. The highway is 3,400 miles long and basically entails the renov...
Government government highway miles roads bridge constructionIn the wake of the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election, and the news that approximately 24% of American Jews (an increased, but still relatively small percentage) voted for George W. Bush, it is, I believe, an appropriate time to examine (not for the fir...
Government government israel support jewish muchPreface This is an excerpt from the Ebook, "Abortion: How (and Why) Abortion Resides in the Weakest Form of Human Thought and Valuation" (pages 41-45). This comes rather late in the discussion, so some statements here refer back to previous points i...
Government government abortion excerpt ebook preface embryonicYes, they are important to our future! Many of tomorrow's workers and business owners are the children of today's immigrants. More than 40% of the growth of our labor force in the late 1990s was due to immigrants, and since immigration WIL...
Government government children parents school immigrants someDavid Stipp of Fortune has referred to climate change as "the mother of all national security issues (2004)." I see no reason to disagree, since as explained in my new textbook (2007), a peaking of global oil production in the near future could be la...
Government government climate production global peakingI do not drink alcohol, and do not use, grow, buy, sell, or possess hemp or pot (or any other illegal substance). However, I have learned the truth about hemp. Hemp is a strong, fast growing plant that grows naturally as nature's best source of...
Government government hemp plant drugLeaders lead and followers follow, right? What if, as a leader, you believed you were leading but no one was following? What if your employees believed they were being led but in reality there was no leadership? We like to believe we are effective an...
Government government perception leaders effective matter efficientI hesitated to do this article for a number of reasons. First, I could never do justice to the the fantastically written article that the following paragraphs are based on. The article is entitled "The Courage of Jill Costello" and was written by Chr...
Government government jill courage political leadershipMany experts from various fields of expertise have talked about how dangerously high the Federal government's debts and spending are and how that debt and spending threaten the very solvency of the country. Just in the last three fiscal years du...
Government government state local fiscal