806 articles related to "government"

Partisan Politics Is Destroying America

Newton's third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Well, there is no better laboratory to observe the functioning of this law than in the federal government of the United States, most notably throu...

Government  government power people states politics
Countering Terrorism In India - Some Policy Suggestions

Recent events in Mumbai, the commercial capital of India, have once again highlighted India's vulnerability to terrorist attacks. What is shocking is that despite the huge security machinery that exists in the country, the terrorists are strikin...

Government  government terrorist terrorism must
A Republican Jew (No, It's Not An Oxymoron)

In the wake of the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election, and the news that approximately 24% of American Jews (an increased, but still relatively small percentage) voted for George W. Bush, it is, I believe, an appropriate time to examine (not for the fir...

Government  government israel support jewish much
Still Another Look At Global Warming

David Stipp of Fortune has referred to climate change as "the mother of all national security issues (2004)." I see no reason to disagree, since as explained in my new textbook (2007), a peaking of global oil production in the near future could be la...

Government  government climate production global peaking
And You Thought Only The Federal Government Was In Bad Financial Shape

Many experts from various fields of expertise have talked about how dangerously high the Federal government's debts and spending are and how that debt and spending threaten the very solvency of the country. Just in the last three fiscal years du...

Government  government state local fiscal
The Trans-Oceanic Highway of Peru - Benefits and Concerns

Connecting Acre, Brazil, a state in the Amazon, with the cities of Matarani, Ilo, and San Juan de Marcona which are located along Peru's southern coast is the Trans-Oceanic Highway. The highway is 3,400 miles long and basically entails the renov...

Government  government highway miles roads bridge construction
The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt.26: Wanta Story Not Over By A Long Shot; $4.5 Trillion Still To Be Released Into U.S. Economy

The continuing saga of Ambassador Leo Wanta is not over by a long shot. It's not over until 'the Fat Lady sings', as they say, even though U.S. authorities are trying hard to make the story disappear, acting like a bunch of second rate...

Government  government wanta american people ambassador story
Should We Worry About Immigrant Assimilation and Education?

Yes, they are important to our future! Many of tomorrow's workers and business owners are the children of today's immigrants. More than 40% of the growth of our labor force in the late 1990s was due to immigrants, and since immigration WIL...

Government  government children parents school immigrants some
Jill Costello: A Profile In Courage and Leadership. The American Political Class: Not So Much

I hesitated to do this article for a number of reasons. First, I could never do justice to the the fantastically written article that the following paragraphs are based on. The article is entitled "The Courage of Jill Costello" and was written by Chr...

Government  government jill courage political leadership
The Fault In Self-Government: The Self

With each succeeding poll measuring Americans' trust in institutions the elements of government sink to new lows. As we move toward the 2010 mid-term elections we are seeing a groundswell of anti-incumbent fever. Something is wrong; something is...

Government  government people system democracy govern