806 articles related to "government"

Act Makes Individual Plans More Lucrative

The Affordability Act and other health reforms have changed the perception of Americans about buying health plans. And the scenario is not much different when you are looking to purchase individual medical plans. However, people are still skeptical a...

Government  government individual plans health insurance medical
Tony Blair Concedes Defeat

Tony Blair revealed, in his speech to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council, he just doesn't get it (or is at least ordered to appear that way like President Bush). The war on terrorism is a war against Nazi-Muslims, plain and simple. It is not...

Government  government values world
What You Should Know About Gun Law For Toy Guns

It may seem crazy that toy guns would have legal restrictions, but airguns and other toy rifles are often made to look startlingly realistic. Kids may be confused whether they're picking up their toy or a relative's loaded real rifle lying ...

Government  government guns real kids orange must
Luck or Providence B

Luck or Providence? (B)Terry Dashner……………….Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013Evening services have concluded. Let me get back to what I was arguing earlier. The events of history didn’t happen by luck. They were ...

Government  government persian them
Political Craziness, Greed, and Incompetence From Around The World

Although the American political class provides daily examples of craziness, greed, and incompetence, they have not cornered the market on such behavior. Recent news accounts prove that the afflictions of our political class exist elsewhere in the wor...

Government  government article country problem they
Leveraging The Bush Tax Cut Debate - Killing Multiple Birds With One Stone

As the lame duck session of Congress convenes, I am sure we will here a lot about whether or not and how the Bush tax cuts should be handled since they expire at the end of this year. If nothing is done, every U.S. tax payer will pay more in income t...

Government  government americans taxes
Mandate? Not This Election

Any claim by a politician or party of a mandate to rule from this election is clear evidence of having missed the message. The prevailing mantra to move the electorate has become: "We are not them!" where "them" refers to the people in power. Thought...

Government  government special interests money people
Money = Power

He who pays, controls. It is a simple phrase with huge repercussions. If control follows money, then those who receive money from others are under the giver's power and control. Nothing is free. The more money you receive from others, the less ...

Government  government money liberty people control make
Is Our Government To Blame For High Gas Prices?

Front and center in every form of media is the rising cost of oil and gas. It affects the lifestyles of every American and the costs of all goods and services we use. Many of us are shaking our fists and looking for somebody to blame. Before we start...

Government  government efficient energy american
Putin's Nation State Model

On February 8, 2008 President Vladimir Putin of Russia made an extraordinary speech at the Expanded Meeting of the State Council. The 13 page speech was titled Russia's Development Strategy to 2020. The document is a template, a guide for the cr...

Government  government state national development country putin russia people