When I work closely with my personal development clients, I provide them with what I describe as 'mental exercises' - short 'meditations' that enable them un-clutter and focus their minds. You must realize that a focused mind is t...
Government government personal development people livesAn amazing American legislative victory over this March 2010 weekend has earned a circle on every person's calendar. Although it's not officially law yet, an enormous step towards universal health care has been achieved. The House has offic...
Government government care health insurance coverage bill willWe have added many new words to our regular vocabulary in recent years and a lot of them have come from the Internet. However probably the most used of them all is Google as a substitute work for search. It can be taken for granted that you can find ...
Government government internet chinese world chinaLet's not pretend that third world debt is about wise investment of borrowed money in order to develop a country's economy more quickly. If it were so, the countries which borrowed the most would be the ones doing well. Without getting into...
Government government debt money world people countriesGreetings to one and all, in the name and memory of Herbert W. Armstrong who visited and addressed many leaders of the nations you represent here today. Mr. Armstrong, ambassador for world peace without political portfolio, was a man sent by the Grea...
Government government nations message theyWe hear lies all the time. Of course we know that when a politician says "no new taxes," he is lying. But then there are the more subtle lies that aren't so easily spotted. Here are five lies you should watch out for. The Bigger Size Is Always ...
Government government lies lives profitLately the far left, the Democrats, certain left wing celebrities, ultra liberal newspaper reporters and editors and network news reporters and commentators have been ranting and raving about how President Bush has illegally taken away our right to p...
Government government president peopleAmericans need to get used to the idea that, no matter what The United States Of America does, the rest of the world will never like us. Ours is a unique society. We are made up of people from almost every other nationality in the world. We were or...
Government government people countries hate manyThe national debt and the federal deficit are popular topics these days. So popular in fact that politicians and pundits alike wrap themselves in the flag while methodically torpedoing every idea to achieve a "live within your means" budget. Discipli...
Government government debt fact interestsThere are a number of internet sites online that claim to provide political news. Others do it really well however a few make use of the information as a method of presenting their very own point of views as fact. It is not hard to handle data to be ...
Government government news political pointself