5,196 articles related to "health"

Does Fat Free Really Mean Free Of Fat?

Does Fat Free Really Mean Free Of Fat? by: Jerry Byler Does fat-free really mean free of fat? Do you know what the words really mean on food labels? In this article, you’ll discover everything you need to know about how to interpret food label...

Health  health food calories serving percent total foods contain
Treatment of Heart Disease with Coenzyme Q10

Treatment of Heart Disease with Coenzyme Q10 by: Greg Post Since its discovery in the late 1950’s Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has received much attention as a necessary compound for proper cellular function. It is the essential coenzyme necessary for...

Health  health heart failure disease supplementation function blood
Top Five Ways To Lose Weight Fast

Top Five Ways To Lose Weight Fast by: Jed Turner Losing weight is not about achieving the hour glass figure or the perfectly sculpted and toned body. It is more about staying fit and remaining healthy to ensure a long, disease free life. Everybo...

Health  health water glass
Reduce Asthma And Breathe Free

Reduce Asthma And Breathe Free by: Dr. Rita Louise Asthma can be a serous and often frightening condition that is typified by a tightening of the chest, wheezing and difficulty breathing. Asthma is made up of two underlying components: inflammat...

Health  health asthma reduce mucus chest breathing
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Depression Are Not The Same Thing!

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Depression Are Not The Same Thing! by: Claire Williams You may have noticed that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome /M.E. /Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome is a very misunderstood illness... ...and this is perhaps why there are so ...

Health  health syndrome fatigue chronic depression sufferers viral
Dental Hygiene, an Ancient Practice - The History of the Toothbrush

Dental Hygiene, an Ancient Practice - The History of the Toothbrush by: Rebecca Blain One of the most asked questions by adults and children is the origin of the toothbrush. There are several schools of thought on when the real toothbrush was cr...

Health  health toothbrush teeth toothpaste there
How To Slay The Toxic Dragon In Your Life

How To Slay The Toxic Dragon In Your Life by: Sharon Schurman How To "Slay The Dragon" In Your Life In Five Simple Steps Any time you spend around that toxic dragon , you are adding another cup full of misery to your life. You must accept that t...

Health  health toxic relationship dragon
What Causes Bad Breath Anyway?

What Causes Bad Breath Anyway? by: Thuvarakan Tharmalingam We have all suffered from an occasional case of bad breath. It's estimated that 50 to 65 percent of the population suffer from bad breath. A few unfortunate people suffer from chron...

Health  health bacteria mouth breath anaerobic these
New Drug Offers Hope to Cancer Patients

Drug Offers Hope to Cancer Patients by: ARA Content (ARA) - A decade ago, research into angiogenesis-inhibiting compounds was still in a relative state of infancy. The principle itself was not new as far back as the early '70s, there was s...

Health  health cancer angiogenesis trials patients phase blood
Folic Acid - It's Never Too Early

c Acid - It's Never Too Early by: News Canada (NC)-The Folic Acid Alliance of Ontario (FAAO) has launched its first-ever, province-wide campaign to promote the awareness of folic acid and its benefits in helping to prevent birth defects. F...

Health  health folic acid women ontario percent tube neural