5,196 articles related to "health"

The Worshipful Company of Bakers

The Worshipful Company of Bakers is one of the oldest Livery Companies in London, dating back to the 12th century. As the name suggests, this guild is dedicated to the art and science of baking. Over the centuries, the Bakers have played a significan...

Health  health bread organic grain wheat protein sprouted fiber
Does Smoking Increase the Risk of Asbestos Related Lung Cancer?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been widely used for decades in various industries, such as construction and manufacturing. However, exposure to asbestos fibers can cause several health problems, including lung cancer and mesotheli...

Health  health asbestos cancer lung exposed mesothelioma
Super Bowl Harbinger of Problem Drinking

Super Bowl Harbinger of Problem Drinking by: David Westbrook 17.6 million American adults are either alcohol dependent or abuse alcohol. According to the recently released 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions...

Health  health alcohol bowl super abuse year party related consumption
Menopause and Progesterone

Menopause and Progesterone by: Cathy Taylor Do women going through menopause have lowered levels of progesterone? Recent research tells us that women do suffer from decreased levels of progesterone and also experience other symptoms such as une...

Health  health progesterone natural estrogen effects levels osteoporosis
Youth People Obsessed With Sunless Tanning

Youth People Obsessed With Sunless Tanning by: Dana Scripca Darker-complexioned teens will always seek a tanning bed or booth. Because they want a perfect and perpetual tan. Younger, healthier, sexier, thinner Many teenagers are either obsessed ...

Health  health tanning percent indoor teenagers beds cancer
Longer Sex

Longer Sex by: Dr. Michael Rodriguez, M.D. Many of us longingly dream of having longer sexual encounters that will leave us breathless. We see vivid and tempting displays of such pursuits on the television and in movies, read enticing depictions...

Health  health longer supplements sexual these
Your Body is a Map of Your Consciousness

Your Body is a Map of Your Consciousness by: Martin Brofman Your Body Is A Map of Your Consciousness - by Martin Brofman, PhD. Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life, and everything that happens in your ...

Health  health chakra consciousness associated body
Ecological Engineering - We Can Reshape This World!

Ecological Engineering - We Can Reshape This World! by: Billy I Ahmed Human have always shown remarkable skill, innovation and ingenuity when faced by environmental hurdles. Instead of competing with or opposing the environment, they cooperate w...

Health  health ecological engineering ecosystems environment system paradigm
Focus on Trans Fat

Focus on Trans Fat by: Jon Gestl There's no doubtcarbohydrates have taken center stage in public discourse about dietary practices. You can't turn on the TV, open a newspaper or walk past the office water cooler these days without hear...

Health  health trans manufacturers food saturated however
Are All Dementias Alzheimer’s?

Are All Dementias Alzheimer’s? by: Michael G. Rayel, MD I’m surprised when some patients and caregivers confuse dementia and Alzheimer’s as one and the same. Each time a family member is suffering from memory loss, the conclusion is always...

Health  health dementia alzheimers impairment memory risk disease functioning