5,196 articles related to "health"

Steroids, And Their Effects on Human Body

Undoubtedly, anabolic steroids are very effective in stimulation of physical performance and muscle size. With high biological value, they are used for numerous medicinal purposes as well. Read this article to get a well summarized detail of anabolic...

Health  health steroids medical anabolic biological compounds consumed
Skin Creams containing Vitamin C - Do They Actually Work?

Ever since Noble Prize winning scientist Dr. Linus Pauling, proclaimed the wonders of Vitamin C, it has become one of the most widely used ingredients in anti-wrinkle and anti-aging creams. Vitamin C-based anti-wrinkle creams promising amazing resul...

Health  health vitamin wrinkle anti hand creams claims
The Fuel of Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Introduction: Stress, anxiety, and depression are common mental health disorders that affect millions of people worldwide. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental, genetic, and lifestyle. However, one factor that is often...

Health  health behaviors illnesses habits them
Choosing the Right Multivitamin

Multivitamins have been around for a long time now, and they are widely used all over the world. They are used to supplement the body with the recommended daily doses of vitamins and minerals that may not be possible to get from our daily diet alone....

Health  health vitamins liquid multi vitamin pill recommended intake
Getting Rid Of Gallstones Naturally

Gallstones are a common problem that affects many people. They are small, hard deposits that form in the gallbladder, an organ located underneath the liver. Although gallstones are commonly diagnosed by doctors, many people seek out natural remedies ...

Health  health bile gallbladder gallstones liver risk symptoms
How To Slay The Toxic Dragon In Your Life

The Toxic Dragon – a metaphorical creature that lurks within many of our personal and professional lives. It is a synonym for individuals who exhibit toxic behaviors, attitudes, and actions, which create a negative impact on others. We have all enc...

Health  health toxic relationship dragon
Ecological Engineering - We Can Reshape This World!

The world we live in is a beautiful and complex ecosystem that has been evolving for billions of years. However, with the advancement of human civilization, we have destroyed large swathes of natural habitats and polluted the environment, leading to ...

Health  health ecological engineering ecosystems environment system paradigm
Saunas Then And Now

Saunas have been around for centuries. From the traditional Finnish saunas to the Turkish hammams and Japanese onsen, saunas have been a part of different cultures and traditions across the world. The concept of saunas has evolved over the years, fro...

Health  health sauna type wood saunas infrared stove
What Power Wheelchair Perfectly Suits You?

What Power Wheelchair Perfectly Suits You? by: Maricon Williams Words are not enough to describe the feeling of triumph of a person who regained his independence with the use of a power wheelchair. For persons who are experiencing a debilitating...

Health  health wheelchairs wheelchair chair persons power
Sinusitis Causes Headaches

Sinusitis Causes Headaches by: Paul Hood Anyone who’s ever suffered from sinusitis will confess to having had bouts of headaches. However, it may not always be caused by sinusitis. An interesting case was written by a certain “DP” to Doct...

Health  health headaches sinus infections nasal there