1,609 articles related to "legal"

Is Filing A Mesothelioma Lawsuit A Choice You Should Consider?

Since the beginning of the twentieth century asbestos manufacturers knew that the products they were making exposed millions of people to life-threatening health risks. And yet they continued to manufacture their products and selfishly ignored the fa...

Legal  legal mesothelioma asbestos lawsuit file people
Time to Pay a Judgment Debt

When a case is lost, and you are ordered to pay a judgment sum (together most probably with legal costs), the usual order will be for payment within 14 days. But what if you do not have the money and cannot pay? This will very often be the position f...

Legal  legal judgment time order especially these
Extending a Lease - the Benefits

Are you confused by lease extension and wondering whether you should extend your long term lease or not, and if so when? How does a lease work? A lease is the right to live in a property awarded by a landlord to a tenant for a set period of time. L...

Legal  legal lease years property extension extend
Don't Fail To Protect Your Bright Ideas - Consult A Specialist UK IP Lawyer

While the concept of having a bright idea is centuries old - remember Archimedes in his bath - the thought that a bright idea could have legal protection is a relatively new one. It was not until the 19th century that the words "intellectual property...

Legal  legal intellectual property ideas protect idea time
Medical Accidents - Clinical Negligence Claims

It is of course very easy for things to go wrong where human error is such an important contributory factor, especially when you consider the immense pressure that doctors are under. However, there are times when negative outcomes are not simply the ...

Legal  legal negligence medical hospital injury mistake
Should You Try To Represent Yourself In Court?

You may have heard of people representing themselves when charged with crimes such as misdemeanors or felonies. You may have even seen examples of defendants representing themselves on TV or in the movies. You may be left wondering if this is a good ...

Legal  legal court lawyer such
Medical Bills Can Kill..Financially... After An Auto Accident

After the initial shock of a car accident, the most important question you should ask yourself is whether you are okay. Even in minor vehicle collisions, drivers and/or passengers may experience soft tissue pains such as back spasms or mild whiplash....

Legal  legal drivers emergency room minor rushed receive
Top 5 To Dos Before Saying “I do”

Today, nearly half of all marriages don't last. Everyday I work with couples going through a divorce, many times over preventable conflicts. I’ve learned about what needs to be discussed before making a life-long commitment. If you’re planni...

Legal  legal divorce relationship spouse
Criminal Defense - White Collar Crimes

White Collar Crimes are defined as non-violent acts committed by individuals or businesses in the course of daily working activity. Some of these crimes include embezzlement, bribery, tax evasion, false advertising and other types of fraud. They are ...

Legal  legal crimes collar federal business include
Why File a Zyprexa Lawsuit

Whenever you have your health severely affected by a medication (especially in regards to lack of information or warning about the potential harm), you have the right to protect yourself and to be compensated for these detrimental consequences. This ...

Legal  legal zyprexa diabetes lilly patients hyperglycemia drug