1,609 articles related to "legal"

Pennsylvania Automobile Insurance laws.

Here are the important highlights of the Pennsylvania automobile insurance law, more formally called, the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law:1) When purchasing a new policy after 1990, your insurance company must notify you, in w...

Legal  legal coverage insurance tort other
Accident Claims & Pursuit of Justice

Many victims of Personal Injury have accident claim’s which can be pursued in civil court to recover monetary damages caused by the negligent acts of another. Unfortunately, the playing field is not level and many claimants of accident claims do no...

Legal  legal accident financial claims personal injury victims
Privacy Rights – Big Brother’s Bumbling

Privacy Rights – Big Brother’s Bumbling by: Richard A. Chapo The General Accounting Office has reported the federal government is ignoring individual privacy rights of citizens. Not only is it ignoring guidelines, the actions being taken may...

Legal  legal agencies federal privacy guidelines small
How to Select a Patent Attorney

How to Select a Patent Attorney by: Lisa Parmley Could you use a little help protecting your invention? If so, an attorney skilled in patent law is your best bet. As you can imagine, conveying your invention to someone who knows nothing about it...

Legal  legal patent attorney attorneys invention
Long Island, NYC Truck Accident Lawyers - 866-ATTY-LAW

New York City is one of the most active and densely populated states of the America. Each year millions of traveler visit NY. There are several million auto vehicles including buses,motorbikes, trucks, cars and other vehicles. These vehicles travel f...

Legal  legal accident injury personal truck injuries compensation will
Informational Interview: A Great Legal Job Search Tool

The average people who are going to an interview for a law job are likely to gather all the necessary information about his or her position, job requirement and necessary skills and about the law firm which is conducting the interview beforehand. How...

Legal  legal interview information
How to File a Corporation in California

Filing for a corporation in California is an intensive process in which the services of an attorney are definitely helpful, but it can be done without professional legal assistance for the budget conscious. Forms Needed for Creating a Corporation T...

Legal  legal filing corporation corporate business forms
Variables Influencing Settlements In Auto Accident Lawsuits - An Analysis Of Settled Matters

There are a minimum of 11 motor vehicle accidents every minute. And five to six people are injured in a motor vehicle accident every minute. Approximately four individuals per minute will sustain a permanent injury as a result of a vehicle accident. ...

Legal  legal driver accident vehicle coverage plaintiff
What Is a National Mesothelioma Law Firm?

If you or someone you love has an asbestos related disease such as mesothelioma and you want to hold the company that was responsible for causing the disease accountable for their actions then you should consider hiring a national mesothelioma law fi...

Legal  legal firm mesothelioma national states represent
California Product Liability Lawyer Straight Talk: What is a Consumer Expectation Design Defect?

Some dangerous products are improperly designed or engineered, while others have manufacturing defects which lead to dangerous products. When you are severely injured while using a product in the manner in which it was intended to be used, the manufa...

Legal  legal product consumer expectation design liability