6,217 articles related to "marketing"

Blogging For Fun & Profits

Unless you've been under a rock for the last year, you'veheard the term "blog" once or twice. To most people, a "blog" simply represents a glorifiedonline "diary" where geeks, computer nerds, and lonelyteenagers record their thoughts in cyb...

Marketing  marketing blog blogs online website
Media Tactics Getting Your Ads Where They Need To Go

Every week I get an email from someone who says that no matterhow great their ad copy, they just don't seem to be gettingresults. More often than not, the problem lies in the where theads are being placed.All forms of media have their own partic...

Marketing  marketing people newspaper advertising
How to Generate Loads Of Free Traffic To Your Website!

How to Generate Loads Of Free Traffic To Your Website! by: Paul Kellum One of the most popular ways to generate free traffic to your website these days is to use a free traffic exchange service. A traffic exhange is website service that enables...

Marketing  marketing traffic exchanges view surf exchange
Creating Marketing Fireworks

Creating Marketing Fireworks by: Charlie CookIf you live in a small town like mine on the Connecticut coast, you will spend the 4th of July watching fireworks, along with everyone else in town. Why is it that people love fireworks? Fireworks gra...

Marketing  marketing message attention list fireworks
PowerPositioning: WillYouAcceptThisRose.com

PowerPositioning: WillYouAcceptThisRose.com  by: Peter Andersen Positioning is a powerful concept in marketing. To illustrate, have you ever visited a fast food restaurant, and, in a rush to complete your order asked for a coke when you "perhaps...

Marketing  marketing positioning strong brand mind
Hit the target: Target your advertising to make it pay off

Hit the target: Target your advertising to make it pay off by: John Moore Note from author: This article was originally written for people advertising martial arts schools. The principles of targeting are the same no matter what you are advertis...

Marketing  marketing kids demographic women
Why would you use Blogs instead of a web site for your online business

Why would you use Blogs instead of a web site for your online business? What's wrong with using a web site in your online business? Why would anyone want to have a blog in their business anyway?You can definitely continue using a website in your...

Marketing  marketing search blog blogs engines
Does your pharmaceutical product appeal to the doctors or to the patients

Pharmaceutical brand owners have to consider three major groups in their marketing strategies: the physicians, healthcare payors and the consumers. Dependant upon who is making the purchasing decision, the branding has to be geared at the members of ...

Marketing  marketing brand name prescription archetypes branding product
Build Your Own No-Cost Mailing List

I've never used a mailing list broker. Reason? When I first started doing postcard mailings back in 1996, I could barely afford to pay my house rent. So, renting a mailing list was out of the question. One of the advantages of operating on a low...

Marketing  marketing list names friends family mailing directories
7 Resource Box Secrets

Here are 7 resource box secrets to help you obtain greater success with your resource box:1. Do not sell anything in your resource box. Instead, give away something for free like a free email course, a free newsletter subscription or a free ebook. 2....

Marketing  marketing resource email link ebook address