Want to know the secret to creating MEMORABLE promotional copy? Sales copy that actually stays with your customers long after they've finished reading it?Then master the art of using words to create pictures in your customers' heads.If you ...
Marketing marketing specific verbs whenIn part one of this series, we discussed the fact that studies show information leads over entertainment. We discovered that Web site visitors are primarily looking for information, and therefore, ads should be more information-oriented. The second o...
Marketing marketing advertising online informationMillions of people enjoy using 'Ask Jeeves,' by simply typingin a question and getting back relevant search results. With many of the search engines/directories turning to paymodels, 'Ask Jeeves' now offers its own Text Sponsorshi...
Marketing marketing search shown youll also8 Quick, Hot Reasons You Should Offer an E-mail Course Today by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ1. E-mail courses are generally quick and easy to create. Contents for your e-mail courses are everywhere old articles, interviews, information from doi...
Marketing marketing mail courses people course theyHow to Promote Your Small Business Without Spending a Fortune! by: Glen Smyth Through starting my own small businesses, I have learnt that what the marketing books tell you is not necessarily always appropriate for your business idea. Let me il...
Marketing marketing business advertising image building cost© 2004, John Calderhttp://www.TheEzine.netA large part of online marketing is really a high-tech version of classic direct sales techniques. From landing pages to affiliate recruitment to attracting list signups, all employ variations on classic...
Marketing marketing advertising book available published stillYou enjoy what you do. In fact, you love your product and want to tell everyone about it.Well, I hate to tell you this, but no one cares! Think about the last major purchase you made…maybe a car …did you buy it because the salesman told you about...
Marketing marketing customers needs speak prospectiveWhich product feature of yours is every buyer keen to know about? Which sales tool closes prospects instantly? Your price. Yet, despite the far-reaching consequences of a company’s pricing, I’m surprised at how little time small business owners s...
Marketing marketing price prices pricing product valueIncreasing Your Search Engine RankingThe methods employed to increase your search enginerankings may seem like rocket science to you, so you haveprobably avoided dealing with this issue. I am here to tellyou - the time has come to face your website! ...
Marketing marketing search engine rankings textThis is an article for people who want to sell more online.No, I mean REALLY WANT TO SELL MORE!This article is for people running serious businesses seriously.It is not for people who think they can profit online withfree stuff, people who are satisf...
Marketing marketing flash people presentation deliver message