6,217 articles related to "marketing"

The Sweet Aroma of Highly Effective Marketing

The Sweet Aroma of Highly Effective Marketing by: Jeremy Cohen Highly effective marketing is accomplished when your marketing materials and marketing strategy work together to reliably move your prospects through your sales process. Have you ev...

Marketing  marketing prospects message attention cake product
The Secret to Writing Memorable Sales Copy

Want to know the secret to creating MEMORABLE promotional copy? Sales copy that actually stays with your customers long after they've finished reading it?Then master the art of using words to create pictures in your customers' heads.If you ...

Marketing  marketing specific verbs when
Coaching: Communicating What Service You Provide

Coaching: Communicating What Service You Provide by: Catherine Franz Coaching is unique because it makes a special promise: transformation. At the root of any desire for personal development is the expectation that, every time they have an encou...

Marketing  marketing coaching personal values people person
Customer Preferences in Online Advertising-Part 2 of 3

In part one of this series, we discussed the fact that studies show information leads over entertainment. We discovered that Web site visitors are primarily looking for information, and therefore, ads should be more information-oriented. The second o...

Marketing  marketing advertising online information
Ask Jeeves 'How Do I Get a Top Listing in your Directory'

Millions of people enjoy using 'Ask Jeeves,' by simply typingin a question and getting back relevant search results. With many of the search engines/directories turning to paymodels, 'Ask Jeeves' now offers its own Text Sponsorshi...

Marketing  marketing search shown youll also
How to Promote Your Small Business Without Spending a Fortune!

How to Promote Your Small Business Without Spending a Fortune! by: Glen Smyth Through starting my own small businesses, I have learnt that what the marketing books tell you is not necessarily always appropriate for your business idea. Let me il...

Marketing  marketing business advertising image building cost
LookSmart Not Small Business Friendly

Smart Not Small Business Friendly by: Lee Traupel There is a firestorm of negative press regarding LookSmart's recent marketing stumbles via numerous discussion groups, including two of the oldest and most influential, I-Search and I-Advert...

Marketing  marketing search looksmartaposs program business some
Advantages of property listings placement

RealEstateGates.com offers the variety of advertising and promotion opportunities for real estate professionals and companies worldwide.When selling or renting your property you can promote it by placing it to the Property Listings Directory. Listing...

Marketing  marketing listings property directory professional estate

You enjoy what you do. In fact, you love your product and want to tell everyone about it.Well, I hate to tell you this, but no one cares! Think about the last major purchase you made…maybe a car …did you buy it because the salesman told you about...

Marketing  marketing customers needs speak prospective
Five Steps to Precision in Publicity

PR flacks use a scattergun approach, hoping to hit something. They fax out press releases to long lists of reporters and editors. They make countless, fruitless phone calls. They pester and cajole and plead.But PR Rainmakers reject such amateurism. I...

Marketing  marketing story audience reporter reporters they