Dear Friend,Ideally, you should drive your marketing like a wisestuntman and not a reckless driver. Prior to executing anydaring stunt, a stuntman always studies and evaluates allthe different parameters involved and all the possiblescenarios with th...
Marketing marketing drive stunt manyWhy Should You Write a Newsletter?If you have an online business or a web presence then you should have a newsletter (weekly, biweekly or monthly). There are two major advantages to having a newsletter. First you stay in touch with your clients, pros...
Marketing marketing newsletter prospects buildBig businesses do it, and now small business owners are following the trend. No, I'm not talking about spokesmodels, endorsements, or catchy theme songs although certainly you could use those if you wish. What I am referring to is Lateral Marke...
Marketing marketing soap business dish small items suppliesWho are the "Last of the Dinosaurs"?In the early 70's the United States went through a manufacturing "boom". The Vietnam War was coming to an end, the economy was growing stronger, and technology was on its way to being one of the biggest indust...
Marketing marketing company throughThere’s no denying that the Internet is allowing more and more entrepreneurs to start their own businesses and effectively market their new products. However, there seems to be an increasingly common misconception when these businesses try to gener...
Marketing marketing media release press pitch campaign kite"I share what I know, so that others may grow."Thought I'd share a bit about using press releases as an internet marketing tool, based on our recent experiences.We at Eagle Productions (NZ) have done quite a bit of research on press release serv...
Marketing marketing press releases release freeHave you been worried about the dot-com crash and the future of your website?Internet commerce is supposed to reach 5 trillion dollars by the year 2005 with over 1 billion global users, 15% of the world's population! This is a 70% compounded ann...
Marketing marketing business luck opportunities strategicIt's getting harder and harder to build a decent subscription basefor your ezine.In the old days, two or three years ago, word of mouth and otherfree methods were enough to build your list. But now there is somuch competition that people are alr...
Marketing marketing subscribers advertising ezine fromEzines: They're everywhere you look, and for verygood reasons. They are an excellent online marketingtool. If you have a website and aren't publishing yourown newsletter, I'm going to give you seven very good reasonswhy you should star...
Marketing marketing publishing ezine newsletterDo you use your own virtual server to send out your magazine? I do. Be warned, I have discovered bad things that can happen when you don't check your server before you send to your list.Last week, I was getting ready to send out to my subscriber...
Marketing marketing list change newsletter server send