6,217 articles related to "marketing"

Hey! You Talkin' To Me

How many times have you heard the following questions or seen information related to these statements? "Have you 'Identified' your customer"? "Do you have your 'Target Market' defined"?"Know your 'Niche' "!What do these ...

Marketing  marketing market product target chicken
Five Ways to Promote Your Unique Business Identity

Where's the Beef?These words became a national catch phrase in the mid1980's and catapulted the Wendy's hamburger chain into thelimelight as a major player in fast food sales.Wendy's credits the "Where's the Beef" ad campaign...

Marketing  marketing business brand tagline
3 Tips To Getting The Most Out Of Your Resource Box

One of the most important parts of writing your articles is creating your resource box.Your resource box is where you are able to tell your readers who you are and provide a short advertisement for your business.To help you get the most out of the su...

Marketing  marketing articles ebook resource promote
Using a USP to Quickly Connect With Prospects

The acronym USP (Unique Selling Proposition) was created byRosser Reeves, marketing expert in the 1960's. Over time,his concept has been used by others, called different namesby different individuals and pretty much has taken on a lifeof its own...

Marketing  marketing business unique selling about

There is a marketing theory that says, "your best prospective customers are a lot like your current customers". In other words, the customers you should have the easiest time selling to are very similar to those who've bought from you in the pas...

Marketing  marketing customers current
Autoresponder Etiquette

Autoresponders are one of the most widely used promotional tools on the Internet. They're also known as mailbots, automatic email and email on demand. They were derived from the very popular fax on demand and designed to automatically respond to...

Marketing  marketing autoresponder address email message autoresponders when
2 Little-Known Profit Boosters!

Ready, set, go!1. Increase your profits by 25% or more in 10 minutesor less. How? Simple. On your web site's order forms,make just one teeny, weeny little change...- Find the absolute best testimonial for your productor service.- Add this enchan...

Marketing  marketing products targeted time
Why Some People Will NEVER Succeed, No Matter How Hard They Try.... And How YOU Can Avoid The Same Mistakes!

After being an online marketer for over four years,the truth FINALLY hit me. I'd absorbed so much hype,so many worthless marketing strategies and worst of all,I'd seen and heard WAY too many failures to count, thatthe powerful thought of re...

Marketing  marketing internet business thousands know
Customer Leverage Strategies or Mining for Gold!

In order to succeed in anything, you must try to identify thesmallest number of actions that produce the biggest benefitsin business, this means capitalising on your greatest assetyour existing customers.Everyone knows that referrals are the best for...

Marketing  marketing referrals business customer
One Sure-Fire Way to Boost Profits With Referrals

If I had to choose one effective Internet marketing tool, abusiness referral program would be right at the top of the list.Whether your business is online or off, a good referral programwill increase your profits.Another word for referral is "word of...

Marketing  marketing customer referral would