1. Use your autoresponder to publish an ezine.High quality autoresponders will automatically manage your subscriptions for you, follow up with your prospects at intervals you decide upon, and allow you to broadcast personalized messages to your subsc...
Marketing marketing articles autoresponder visitors siteImagine waking up in the middle of the night. The most brilliant marketing idea for your business pops in your head. You write down every little detail. You put it into action. You're more successful then ever - with very little effort. That sce...
Marketing marketing solutions write downSearch engines are the most widely used means of finding information on the Internet for it's so easy to find informationon any imaginable topic. Search engine marketing is a highly effective method of driving hordes of targeted visitors to your...
Marketing marketing search engine engines optimizationWatching the pelicans catch fish near my housereminded me of how some online marketersbehave. These pelicans fly high over the waterwhere the unknowing fish don't notice them.The pelicans spot a big fish and dive athigh speed into the water. A f...
Marketing marketing pelican fish customers pelicans water needsMost of us remember the commercial that said, “I told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on, and so on, and…”, well you get the picture. This commercial, which represented Breck Hair Shampoo, ran so many times that even I remember w...
Marketing marketing service mouth wordSometimes you might feel like it's you against the world whenit comes to your marketing efforts.Not so! You actually have a whole team of salesmen floatingaround the web working very hard to bring you traffic and sales.They are your headlines. T...
Marketing marketing headlineeffective headline productWhere's the Beef?These words became a national catch phrase in the mid1980's and catapulted the Wendy's hamburger chain into thelimelight as a major player in fast food sales.Wendy's credits the "Where's the Beef" ad campaign...
Marketing marketing business brand taglineYou can’t wait to get up in the morning to get on the computer. You devour ezines. You can’t learn enough in a day. When you’re not on the computer, your mind is composing headlines and ad copy; material for articles. Each evening you reluctant...
Marketing marketing computer black hole timeAs business managers, entrepreneurs, and Webmasters, we strive for unobtainable perfection. Why do I say unobtainable? Because when we focus on perfection in one area, we forego attention elsewhere. Limited money and time mean you must choose from th...
Marketing marketing business advice picture criticalThe acronym USP (Unique Selling Proposition) was created byRosser Reeves, marketing expert in the 1960's. Over time,his concept has been used by others, called different namesby different individuals and pretty much has taken on a lifeof its own...
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