1,369 articles related to "parenting"

When Time Out Don't Work

When Time Out Don't Work by: Jennifer L Gove Joey steps away from his time out chair “I won’t sit!” His mother is frustrated and throws her hands in the air..Time out is just not working for this mom. Many kids do not respond to time ...

Parenting  parenting child being
Home And School Education - Your Kids Can Benefit From Both!

Home And School Education - Your Kids Can Benefit From Both! by: Frank McGinty Once, as a Learning Support Teacher, I made my way down to the annexe that housed the school's History Department. The annexe was about 100 metres from the main...

Parenting  parenting life century
Communication With Your Infant

We are now living an age in which conversing with one another is fast and easy. We can contact someone from everywhere with our cell phone, we can text and e-mail and instant message friends family and fellow workers. Because of emoticons we no longe...

Parenting  parenting baby figure just
Symptoms of Teenage Drug Abuse - What Should a Parent Be on the Lookout For?

Are you worrying that your child might be a victim of drugs? Do you have reason to suspect that your child is a prohibited drug user? Or worst of all, is your child actually peddling drugs to others to finance his or her habit? If you've answere...

Parenting  parenting child drugs drug behavior will
Combating Laziness In Your Children Is Easy With These Great Tips

While diet often bears the brunt of the blame by experts looking at how overweight many children are these days, many of them dangerously so, another one of the culprits is lifestyle. If you look at the amount of sitting the average person does these...

Parenting  parenting days children give
Fear Factor of Face the Facts

Will I let fear keep me from discussing sexual self control with my teen? The topic of ex should be simple; its only three letters but its complexities have frightened and mired government, schools and relationships throughout the centuries. Fear mo...

Parenting  parenting needed face
For Teen's Safety, Parents of Today Should Recover Deleted Texts

As parents, most all of us realize that there is a wide variety of dangerous activities that can be found in our society today that many of our teenage children are often tempted with, and the reality of it is that several of these teens get curious ...

Parenting  parenting parents drugs about
Baby Home Safety - Flat Screen Tv Baby Safety Guide: Kayla's Accident

Kayla is lucky to be alive after a 30kg large screen TV crushed her little body. Kayla's accident is a warning to all parents with large televisions and small children. Learn the essential baby home safety tips for large screen TV's to keep...

Parenting  parenting large kaylaaposs children screen kayla tvaposs wall
Effectively Managing Children With ADHD

As a parent, you will want the best for your child. You wan them to grow up and develop into a healthy, strong and independent individual; to estbalish themselves in a forward moving career and have a family. Also, you will find that many youngsters ...

Parenting  parenting adhd children child
Parenting Yourself When You Have Small Children

Parenting Yourself When You Have Small Children by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. There’s no doubt about it - parenting small children takes a lot of time. So much time that it’s very easy to forget about your child within. Yet you cannot be a really...

Parenting  parenting children time child needs