1,369 articles related to "parenting"

How Children Learn

How Children Learn by: Shelley Ruiz Nurture and Teach The single most important thing caregivers can do for a child is provide a nurturing environment. By doing this, we influence children’s brain development and their ability to learn. Introd...

Parenting  parenting learning children learn from
Preparing Your Young Actor or Actress for Industry Success

Preparing Your Young Actor or Actress for Industry Success by: Brooks Patton Helping your young acting hopeful prepare for a successful acting career can be an incredibly rewarding experience for the parent. All parents like seeing their childre...

Parenting  parenting acting camp children
Learn Baby CPR And Save Your Baby`s Life

Your baby fills your life with happiness every day of your life. All parents would do anything for their children. If your baby suddenly starts choking or their breathing stops for some reason, do you know what to do? Most people have a hard time to ...

Parenting  parenting baby choking keep
Advice For A Healthy Baby

Should you asked most parents what is most critical to them, it would be keeping their kids safe and healthy. Yet sometimes as a new parent this can be mind-boggling thought as there is much to know and comprehend. The very best thing you can do for ...

Parenting  parenting slide baby they
The Joy Of Parenting

Did you know that Parenting can be a Joy? Can you imagine yourself not breaking a sweat, getting angry or frustrated when your kids don't listen the first time? I often wondered about that myself. Before I got married I remember watching parents...

Parenting  parenting children share like
Discover Fun Ways To Enjoy Your Children

Being a parent is quite possibly the most rewarding thing most people with do in their lives, however it might also be the most challenging and frustrating thing a person might do. When you bring those precious, long awaited bundles home from the hos...

Parenting  parenting sleep baby parent thing
The Mommy Factor - What About My Career?

Being a mother is a beautiful thing, but it can also be very hectic, to say the least. But as someone who has been there and done that (and still doing it), I know there are ways to mange the responsibilities of being a mother and wife while pursuing...

Parenting  parenting children familyself will
Josh: Gone But Not Forgotten

Two years 1 hour and 30 minutes ago today. I laid beside my precious son in his hospital bed as he took his last breath and his heart beat so purely for the last time. Kathy and I both held him in our arms as he slipped away from us. Unlike three da...

Parenting  parenting children water young
Seeing The Souls of Your Children

Seeing The Souls of Your Children by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Your toddler is having her second tantrum of the day while your four year old son is racing around the house with the neighbor’s child. You feel completely stressed out and are questio...

Parenting  parenting loving behavior want
Just Say Know

Just Say Know by: La Dena Logan Throw it away. Grab another one. Doesn’t get much better than that. Quick, easy, cheap and convenient. At first anyway. Maybe you are wondering what I am rambling on about. I’m talking about a product that’s...

Parenting  parenting diapers custom they