1,369 articles related to "parenting"

Enticing Your Kids Outside with Garden Toys

With childhood obesity becoming a growing problem, especially within western communities, getting the children to be active is the concern of many parents. When we are up against television shows, the latest consoles and games this often seems like a...

Parenting  parenting children parents games
Will Children Mature Into Reading Books?

Could it be possible that some kids just need to grow into reading? Do they develop their reading interests at a later age than others? We will explore this theory inside this article. Some kids are simply not interested in reading, especially in th...

Parenting  parenting reading read kids
Spend Time With Your Kids And Try Easy Soap Making!

Sometimes getting your kids to wash their hands and take a bath can be a mission. However, what if there was a way to spend quality time with your kids but also get them to love wash time? The truth is that soap making is a fantastic activity for you...

Parenting  parenting soap kids making want
My Twins Won't Sleep

Lack of sleep is the biggest complaint from Twin Parents and often because of the methods we have to adopt just to get some sleep in the early months bad sleeping habits are formed. Now that you have reached Toddler stage and the feeding demands hav...

Parenting  parenting sleep need
Parenting Starts Before Pregnancy

Parenting Starts Before Pregnancy by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. While it may seem farfetched to some people, many of my clients remember what they felt and experienced while still in the womb. Comments such as these are not unusual: “I knew even be...

Parenting  parenting pregnant good
Healing Anger and Violence in Our Society

Healing Anger and Violence in Our Society by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and authored eight published books. All this experience has resulted in the developmen...

Parenting  parenting core inner
Top Ten Ways Working Moms Can Take Care of Themselves

Top Ten Ways Working Moms Can Take Care of Themselves by: Jean Johnson 1. Get enough sleep. This means making sure the kids go to bed early enough so you can. Have an evening routine that is calming for everyone. 2. Eat well. Yes you know it. M...

Parenting  parenting kids feel
Remember The "Generation Gap"?

Remember The "Generation Gap"? by: Douglas G. BurklandThe techniques of managing relationships between parents and their children is as old as.. well, parents having children. It's not an easy job, either for the parent or the child. But, t...

Parenting  parenting children parents relationship child
Give Presence Not Presents

Presence Not Presents by: Rachel WebbThroughout the year we have many gift-giving opportunities to show love to those around us. From Christmas to Birthdays, Valentines Day and more, our thoughts turn to finding the perfect gift. Before you shop...

Parenting  parenting gift shopping money
Parent Newsletters Keeps Family Informed

There are many things that a parent needs to know about what is going on with their child. There are parent newsletters that come out each year several times a year, and it is best for people to know what is going on because it concerns the education...

Parenting  parenting parents school many