1,369 articles related to "parenting"

How Well Do You Know Your Child?

How Well Do You Know Your Child? by: Marie Magdala Roker Do you think you really know your child? I don't mean know what he/she likes and doesn't like, but to know him/her well enough to understand his/her challenges, to appreciate his...

Parenting  parenting child questions
Back-to-School success: Support your Child with Feng Shui

Back-to-School success: Support your Child with Feng Shui by: Vicky White Fall is almost here in the Northern Hemisphere, and back-to-school energy is everywhere. The malls are full of harried parents and children in tow, in search of the perfec...

Parenting  parenting energy area them
Mommy & Baby: Parenting Tidbits

Mommy & Baby: Parenting Tidbits by: Kirsten Hawkins There are many issues which new parents are bombarded with and many things they are expected to know immediately. None of this is fair, as most new parents are simply trying to care for their b...

Parenting  parenting sids baby risk
It's OK for your child to be bored. In fact, it's recommended!

It's OK for your child to be bored. In fact, it's recommended! by: Alan M. Hess NY Strange as it may sound, bordom promotes happier, creative kids who are better problem solvers. When children use their own creativity with unstructure...

Parenting  parenting children play hess child time
If You'd Like to Know Why Reading Matters

If You'd Like to Know Why Reading Matters by: Barbara Freedman-DeVito HERE ARE SOME OF THE REASONS WHY READING IS SO IMPORTANT FOR CHILDREN. WHY DO WE TELL CHILDREN TO READ ? ©2004 We're always telling children that books and read...

Parenting  parenting children reading read
Exercising With Kids Tips For Parents

Exercising With Kids Tips For Parents by: Lynn Bode Making exercise a priority is a challenge for everyone. And for parents it can be especially difficult to find time to workout because of the full plates that they often juggle. When summer ar...

Parenting  parenting time kids even
Nurtured by Love or Matured by Nature?

ured by Love or Matured by Nature? by: Susan du Plessis There is nothing new under the sun, states Ecclesiastes 1:9. This is certainly true of the nature-nurture debate, the modern name for the ageless argument about the importance of learning...

Parenting  parenting child were
When Should Your Baby Wear Shoes?

When Should Your Baby Wear Shoes? by: Cassandra Germsheid There is actually a bit of controversy about this question. Some pediatricians recommend that your baby not wear shoes until at least 15 months of age. Others feel that a child should sta...

Parenting  parenting shoes sure baby them
11 Important Tips On Teen Dating

11 Important Tips On Teen Dating by: Roy Barker 1 ACCEPT THAT DATING IS NORMAL Whatever your parents think, teen dating is normal. You cannot learn everything that you need to know in a classroom situation. You will have experienced some intera...

Parenting  parenting partner donapost
Quality Time With The Child Makes The Bond Stronger

Quality time is the only time of the day when you are effectively being 'parents' to your child. Rest of the time when you are ensuring that your child eats well, wears neat clothes, goes to good school etc., you are simply taking care of h...

Parenting  parenting child time quality will