1,369 articles related to "parenting"

Bringing Out The Toys For Those Rainy Days

It's absolutely pouring outside, with no sign of stopping. No activities suggested are met with any enthusiastic approval, and the list of options, short of braving the rain, is growing slimmer by the minute. But rainy days don't have to be...

Parenting  parenting games lego toys canapost well
Need Help Understanding The Terrible Two's?

For any parent, new or old, for any grandparent, baby sitter, kindergarten teacher or family friend, it will not be news for me to say that parenting and raising children is a very tough and demanding job. Once we add the delightful stage that is The...

Parenting  parenting toddler terrible toddlers
College Savings Reward Plans - Making Them Work for You

College Savings Reward Plans - Making Them Work for You by: Tim Paul You are probably well aware that college costs are soaring and that the need for parents to build college savings has never been greater. You may also be aware of various loyal...

Parenting  parenting college card rewards credit savings upromise
Baby Clothes You Can Use All Year

Baby Clothes You Can Use All Year by: Tim Henry Few things seem more important at a baby shower than duckies, monkeys and theme colors. Once you get the baby home though, the most important thing about baby clothes is how well they protect your ...

Parenting  parenting baby summer babyaposs sensitive keep
Otherworldly Pennons Of Tenderness: Fairy Crib Sets For Your Tot's Shady Retreat

Almost inevitably, when parents find that they are expecting a girl, they conjure images of a nursery covered floor to ceiling in pink with a Tinker-belle fairy motif. If you find yourself among these fortunate people, then you can look forward to a ...

Parenting  parenting fairy bedding baby princess nursery
Natural Gender Selection: Boy or Girl? The Choice is Yours!

Dear Friends, Upon discussing the possibility of having kids, with my wife, we both come to the conclusion that we wanted to have a girl first, and then a boy. Today, we are able to live that dream due to effective, natural methods of gender selecti...

Parenting  parenting methods natural gender selection wife
How To Calm Hyperactive Children

As a doctor who treats ADD/ADHD, I am often asked about ways to calm hyperactive children. And as the mother of a son with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, I understand how challenging and nerve-wracking it can be for families struggling wit...

Parenting  parenting calm children hyperactive foods
What To Look For In A Baby Jogger Stroller

Have you been impatiently looking forward to start off your afternoon exercising or jogging following your childbirth? If you are, you'll need a Baby Jogger Stroller. The good qualities helps it to be well suited for strolling or running. You h...

Parenting  parenting baby strollers jogger stroller take
Learning Vision Skills in Preschool Helps a Baby"s Learning for Life

Learning vision skills is a vital half of a kid's improvement within the preschool years. Learning vision skills lays the groundwork for future educational achievement, as a result of these are the constructing blocks upon which a child's s...

Parenting  parenting skills vision learning childapossin preschool
So Your Kids Are Bored: 5 Tips For Combating Boredom In Your Children

Nothing can drive us more nuts than when our kids, with their house full of high-tech toys and out-of-this world video games keep coming into the home office, laundry room, or kitchen to tell us how bored they are. How in the world can you be bored? ...

Parenting  parenting time games world bored kids