7 articles on "hyperactive"

Homework Help for the Attention Deficit Child

Does the homework battle so typical with your hyperactive or A.D.D. child have you at the end of your rope? Relax. We have some tried-and-try ADHD information that should get your A.D.D. child on the right homework path. The hyperactive or A.D.D. chi...

Kids And Teens  kids teens homework child time hyperactive attention
How To Calm Hyperactive Children

As a doctor who treats ADD/ADHD, I am often asked about ways to calm hyperactive children. And as the mother of a son with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, I understand how challenging and nerve-wracking it can be for families struggling wit...

Parenting  parenting calm children hyperactive foods
Calming Tips for Hyperactive Children

ing Tips for Hyperactive Children by: Jeannine Virtue Parents of hyperactive children know the "Would you please just settle down?!" phrase well, and likely use it on a regular basis. There are a number of tips to help parents settle their hype...

Parenting  parenting hyperactive children child deficit they
Homework Help for the Attention Deficit Child

Does the homework battle so typical with your hyperactive or A.D.D. child have you at the end of your rope? Relax. We have some tried-and-try ADHD information that should get your A.D.D. child on the right homework path. The hyperactive or A.D.D. ch...

Kids And Teens  kids teens homework child time hyperactive school
Do You Believe Your Child Who Has Autism is Hyperactive?

Your child who has autism, is hyperactive. Is this true? One of the symptoms of children with autism is being over stimulated. In other words, hyperactive. This is one of the common symptoms. You as parent(s), caregiver(s), must be educated and be aw...

Parenting  parenting child hyperactive lights hyperactivity
Homework Help for the Attention Deficit Child

Homework Help for the Attention Deficit Child by: Jeannine Virtue Does the homework battle so typical with your hyperactive or A.D.D. child have you at the end of your rope? Relax. We have some tried-and-try ADHD information that should get your...

Kids And Teens  kids teens homework child time hyperactive school
ADHD / Hyperactivity

SCRUTINIZING HYPERACTIVITY Introduction In past centuries the health of children was mainly threatened by ignorance of basic hygiene, inadequate sanitation, contaminated water, poor nutrition and infectious diseases. Epidemics of cholera and other ...

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