951 articles related to "pets and animals"

Problems With Bird Dander? - 5 Ways You Can Minimize Bird Dander in Your Home

All warm blooded animals shed dander, and this includes birds. These small flakes of skin fall off when newer skin replaces it. This skin renewal will continue for as long as your bird lives. However, constantly sending such a huge amount of particu...

Pets And Animals  pets animals bird cage clean dander
Hermit Crab Facts

The hermit crab makes for a fantastic pet and is not that difficult to look after. However before you take the plunge and go out and buy one, here are some interesting hermit crab facts to put you in the know. There are well over 500 species of the ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals species crabby facts critters
What's All The Buzz About Underground Dog Fences?

The new craze about the puppy circuit is underground k9 fences. Purely place, underground fences are digital containment methods developed to show pets their boundaries even though inside your backyard. They use a tiny "shock" which can be transmitt...

Pets And Animals  pets animals underground fences puppy fence
Your Dog - American Staffordshire Terrier

To correctly give the origin and history of the American Staffordshire terrier, it is necessary to comment briefly on two other dogs, namely the Bulldog and the terrier. Until the early part of the 19th century; the Bulldog was bred with great care i...

Pets And Animals  pets animals terrier staffordshire american breed bull registered
Boxer Leash Training- Six Steps On A Hassle-free Walk With Your Dog

Early Boxer leash training is one effective way to ensure safe walks with your Boxer dogs. If your Boxer dog is constantly tagging the leash while you are taking him for walks, then this would be the best solution for you. Boxers, by nature, are not...

Pets And Animals  pets animals boxer training leash dogs
Winter Birds and What To Feed Them

When natural food supplies decrease as temperatures drop, your bird feeders will become much more popular with birds. Winter is the time to stock up on the foods that birds will seek out, especially foods that offer the most calories. These high fat ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals bird feeders birds seed especially foods
Dairy Cattle Farming - Important Tips To Know Before You Start Raising Cows For Milk

The best tasting milk is said to be the fresh cows milk.Wouldn't you want the feeling of having the chance of being able to enjoy drinking the freshest milk often.Dairy cattle farming will allow you to have a milk supply ready for your consumpti...

Pets And Animals  pets animals cattle cows milk farming
Finding the Right Bearded Dragon Breeders

When it comes to finding the right bearded dragon breeders there are some important things you should look for. Not all breeders are alike and you should know your facts before going out and dealing with just any breeder. Here are some basic guideli...

Pets And Animals  pets animals bearded dragon beardie breeders breeder
Puppy Training Like an Expert

When it comes to puppy house training everybody wants to do it fast and simple. Instructing a puppy or a grown dog is, like life, an ongoing and occasionally messy procedure. Professionals have learned that food, while a excellent incentive, really s...

Pets And Animals  pets animals puppy verbal instruction clicker from
Innotek Collars: How To Train Your Dogs Not To Bark Obnoxiously

Obnoxious barking from a family dog can be stressful, especially when you want some quiet time and peace of mind. It is utterly normal for dogs to bark, but when they bark at the most inappropriate of all times, during the night or for no apparent re...

Pets And Animals  pets animals collar innotek collars bark automatic