350 articles on "dogs"

Your Dog\'s Health Is At Risk!

Dogs should be living to age 20 or more. Thats their natural lifespan. But its being cut short by chemical toxicity in their environment and in commercial petfood, which is fed (to a greater or lesser extent) to over 90 per cent of pets in modern soc...

Family  family dogs health chemical food over
Your Dog\'s Health Is At Risk!

As pet owners, we always strive to provide the best possible care and environment for our furry friends. However, there are situations where our dog's health may be at risk, and it's up to us to be able to identify and address these issues appropriat...

Family  family dogs health chemical food over
Stuffed Toys that are Suitable and Safe.

Stuffed Toys that are Suitable and Safe. by: Carolyn Schweitzer Adorable stuffed dogs are a favorite gift for dog lovers. Learn what to look for and what to Avoid. Although it's hard to say when the first stuffed dogs appeared, I would gues...

Parenting  parenting toys stuffed dogs children play
Identifying and Treating Health Problems in Your Dog

Identifying and Treating Health Problems in Your Dogby Brigitte SmithAn essential to your dog’s health is his/her regular annual checkup with the vet. The vaccinations which are given to your dog each year ensure your dog’s immunity to some commo...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs flea health fleas treat time
Charming Trends in Jewelry

Charming Trends in Jewelry by: Carolyn Schweitzer Fashions that owners and their dogs can share. The wearing of charms dates back to 400 or 500 BC, when they were believed to hold special powers particularly the power of protection. By the 1890...

Family  family charms charm bracelet leather gift dogs
Border Collie Training - Controlling Separation Anxiety

Perhaps one thing most Border Collie owners have in common is being dealt with the reality that experiencing separation anxiety is something that comes quite naturally to their dogs. Some dogs will quietly sit in a corner once left behind. Others, su...

Pets And Animals  pets animals anxiety border quietly dogs
Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Separation Anxiety in Dogs by: Ron Swerdfiger What is Separation Anxiety? When you leave the house, it is nice to know that your dog goes to his favorite spot and sleeps peacefully until you return. However dogs suffering from separation anxiet...

Family  family anxiety dogs separation leave while
Charming Trends in Jewelry

Jewelry has been an essential part of human culture for thousands of years. From simple beads and shells to intricate gemstone and gold-infused designs, jewelry has evolved tremendously. Every year, new jewelry trends emerge, showcasing the endless p...

Family  family charms charm bracelet leather gift dogs
Stuffed Toys that are Suitable and Safe.

Stuffed toys have been around for decades and they continue to be a favorite amongst children. They not only serve as playmates but also as comforters for kids, especially those who are feeling a bit low. However, not all stuffed toys are created equ...

Parenting  parenting toys stuffed dogs children play
Border Collie Training - Controlling Separation Anxiety

Border collies are known as one of the most intelligent and active dog breeds in the world. They are widely used as working dogs in farms due to their strong work ethics and ability to herd sheep and cattle. But despite their efficient working abilit...

Pets And Animals  pets animals anxiety border quietly dogs