694 articles related to "religion"

The Basics of Grace Teaching

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, when we begin to study the Word of God, there are two questions we should ask ourselves. (1) Who wrote the particular book in the bible we are currently studying? (2) Who was it written to? If we keep these two ...

Religion  religion bible questions written speaking author mind study
A Day Within King David's Life

David arose even before the sun had peeked over the horizon. He washed his face, and anointed his head before saying prayer unto the LORD. "Thank You almighty God, for thine kingdom which thou hast given into my hand, praise thine mighty hand for del...

Religion  religion lord unto david thou sent

Revelation 14 1 I looked and saw the Lamb (THIS NAME OF JESUS IS A REFERENCE TO HIS SACRIFICE ON THE CROSS) standing on Mount Zion.(IN JERUSALEM) With him were a hundred forty-four thousand,(THE JEWS WHO GOD SELECTED FOR SALVATION AFTER THE RAPTURE ...

Religion  religion angel sickle
Christian Guitar Lessons Are Available Online

While there are many ways for people to express their faith and devotion, music has always been one of the most popular ways of doing so. Many people have gone into music as a way to convey their utmost devotion to the Christian faith.For many of us,...

Religion  religion songs guitar christian lessons learn these
The True Disciples of Christ

Every Christian Churches or Sects are claiming that they are true disciples of Christ. They believe in Christ and have faith in Him, call upon His name and done wonders or miracles in His name. However, we will notice that each of these groups or sec...

Religion  religion christ true disciples father church ibid jesus
Guide to Shopping For Quality Church Furniture

Church furniture is available in different styles and shapes and one of the salient points is that you can even get them for a competitive price. There was a time when furniture for a church was simple and had almost no design at all. But today, thin...

Religion  religion church furniture furnishings them
The United States Was Consecrated To The Immaculate Conception In 1847?

Did you know...? The First Council of Baltimore in 1846 proclaimed Our Mother Mary: "Mary in her Immaculate Conception Principal Patron of the United States." The Bishops of the United States on February 7, 1847 affirmed it by: "...unanimously placin...

Religion  religion medal conception mary immaculate states miraculous lady
The Oneness Blessing (Deeksha)

If you haven't heard about the Oneness Blessing or Deeksha, you have now, and there will be more to come. I received a book by author Arjuna Ardagh, in the mail a couple of weeks ago from the Oneness University called Awakening into Oneness, pu...

Religion  religion blessing experience deeksha book
Here's A Quick Fix

This article will change your life almost instantly. This article will solve all your problems. In just a few moments, from reading this article, you will have everything you want. No, the above paragraph is not true, but there are those would like ...

Religion  religion instant instantly
Scientific Explanations For The Works Of The Devil

Today I want to share with you what I have learned from my study of the Word of God, recently, which is: there is always a scientific and logical explanation for the works of the devil. In the Book of Job 1:13-19, the Bible says, 'One day when...

Religion  religion devil logically works they