694 articles related to "religion"

Go Ahead and Laugh...

Go ahead and laugh that we cling to our religious faith and proudly display religious items throughout our home. Go ahead and laugh when you say that we don't seem to live in the 'real' world because things aren't done that way a...

Religion  religion ahead laugh family children just
Promise of Peace Becomes Compromise

When you receive the Seal, you have the Peace of God. That means that sometimes you have peace with people in the world and sometimes you do not. Israel is facing some tough choices if she wants to make peace with Palestine. Becoming sealed brings y...

Religion  religion peace israel palestinians people
Scripture Prayer: Prayers of Faith and Power

Most folks who have grown up in Christian homes have been exposed to prayer, maybe even taught some prayer. Prayer is part of the culture - the Christian culture. Unfortunately, prayer that is cultural and not based in faith sounds and feels empty. A...

Religion  religion scripture prayer power faith pray

Revelation 13 1 I stood on the beach (IN THIS VISION FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT) beside the sea. (THOUGHT TO BE A SEA OF HUMANITY,NOT WATER) I looked and saw a beast (THE ANTI-CHRIST) coming up from the sea. This one had ten horns (NATIONS) and seven head...

Religion  religion beast christ anti people into
Loosing Our Grip On Human Life

the world of entertainment is a must have for human beings. without that, life can be pretty mundane. most of us have unknowingly become who we are because of watching or attending entertainment functions or programs. our world view has been pretty m...

Religion  religion schemes world will
End Times Prophecy of Louis Marie de Montfort

Saint Louis Marie de Montfort was a prophet of the Last Days. The reason we call St. Louis Marie de Montfort a prophet of the last days, even though he lived between the last half of the Seventeenth Century and the first part of the Eighteenth centur...

Religion  religion mary true devotion holy
Unconditional Love

Unconditional love, what is it? How does it operate? Can a Christian operate in unconditional love? To get the answer to these questions, I want us to really get a picture in our heart of Father God and His unconditional love for us. We see Father G...

Religion  religion unconditional love father operate when
Washing the Dead, Fighting Beasts

"Otherwise, what do people mean by being baptized on behalf of the dead?" (1 Corinthians 15:29). This verse is a stickler in that it is not easy to determine what Paul was talking about. It helps to keep in mind that the context of the verse is Paul&...

Religion  religion paul resurrection baptism reality dead
Can Prayer Save Your Marriage?

You Only Have a 50% Chance of Succeeding in Marriage. Divorce is the scourge of modern Western society. Dealing with broken marriages has become the norm for many of our modern-day children, leading to a seemingly unbreakable cycle of break-ups and ...

Religion  religion divorce marriages society states united many
Who Are You?

Who are you? Reflect on your own identity. The Bible says that man is created in the image of God. If God is good, His creation must, therefore, be good. But the Bible also says that because of the sin of Adam and Eve, man has become evil. For salv...

Religion  religion simple roles life completeself different