3,317 articles related to "web development"

Yahoo's Back!

I was all set to write an article predicting the future of search engines, when Yahoo dropped Google and replaced it with its own engine. Now that's big news. In less than twenty-four hours, Google went from about 79% of the market share to abo...

Web Development  development google sites yahoo results from
Chasing The Spider - Simple RSS Tactics That Can Give Your Site The Edge.

Chasing The Spider!Simple RSS Tactics That Can Give Your Site The Edge. (Why it's Strategically Important for any online concern tokeep your eye on the RSS Wildcard in the coming months. Don't underestimate the potential of this new way of ...

Web Development  development content feeds
Search Engine Overview

This article may be freely published so long as the author's bylines and author's resource box remain intact.Title:Search Engine OverviewAuthor:Sandra LawtonContact:sandra@sandradesign.co.ukCopyright:©2002 by Sandra LawtonAll rights re...

Web Development  development submit submission page
Utilize the Local Versions of Yahoo! to Boost Your Online Search Exposure

As the world's largest directory/portal andgenerator of search related traffic, Yahoo! entertainsa wide range of localized sites and categories. Notall of them require paid inclusion for business sites.So if your site qualifies, you may want to ...

Web Development  development sites worldaposs care listed
Maximize Your Frames For Ultimate Search Engine Performance!

Maximize Your Frames For Ultimate Search Engine Performance!By Martin LemieuxA few years back, the "next big thing" to be was utilizing frames within your design. They would prove to be esthetically great for a design since a user wouldn't have ...

Web Development  development search framesin
Success on Foreign Search Engines Made Easy and Possible

How do you quickly double your online income? Well, that's easy. Getfound by the 50 of the world that currently cannot possibly findyou. I can almost hear you say, "Did you just say that 50 of theworld cannot possibly find me?" Yes, and that is ...

Web Development  development english language these
Please stop designing web sites backwards! Choose keywords and keyword phrases first.

I am firmly committed to encouraging and assisting companies and organizations to get on the web and to do so successfully. Despite the dot.bomb debacle, the Internet remains the most significant mega-trend of our age and its usage continues to grow ...

Web Development  development keywords search phrases high
Latest Bytes on Search Engine Marketing

The search engine world is always changing. They are always up to something new, using new technology, coming up with new requirements and rules, and, of course, running into new glitches. As a web site owner, you need to know exactly what they are u...

Web Development  development pages submit engines search page
Tracking Your Success

For most of us involved with web building or e-commerce, hit counting isold news. We all have our hit counters so we have an idea what traffic islike at our site on a day to day basis.Some even go as far as to note timesand chart responses to promoti...

Web Development  development tracking people free
Ten Fatal Mistakes That Make Web Sites Stink

Since you’ll spend lots of time and money to create your web site, don’t you want to make sure you’re not making mistakes that at best irritate users, and at worst make you lose customers?After all, when you alienate users, you lose potential r...

Web Development  development users mistakes make