Since you’ll spend lots of time and money to create your web site, don’t you want to make sure you’re not making mistakes that at best irritate users, and at worst make you lose customers?After all, when you alienate users, you lose potential r...
Web Development development users mistakes makePHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, better known as PHP, is ahighly popular, server-side scripting language that can beembedded directly into HTML coding. PHP can do anything that CGI can do, such as process formdata and auto generate dynamic content, but P...
Web Development development script server codeWebjunxsion has come a long way since September of 2003. There webpage was VERY unprofessional in the beginning as you can see at Things seem to be changing for them though and there looks are improving somewhat as yo...
Web Development development opportunitiesFirst let's look at site planning.Your web site does not have to be grandiose and packed with text.Organizing the flow of your site content is more important,wasting your time agonizing over what picture or size of logoto place on the top header...
Web Development development business column design1. Not knowing, before you design your webpage, why anyone(besides you) would feel compelled to visit it.2. Not knowing, before you design your webpage, why anyone intheir right mind would return to your webpage on purpose.3. Lack of focus. Not knowi...
Web Development development knowing design theyA couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine mentioned that one of his co-workers recently recovered his stolen identity. I asked how long the process took. "Only two years" he replied. Compared to the six year nightmare suffered by one of my business ass...
Web Development development identity credit theft victimsHow the Rich Build a Profitable WebsiteThis article is geared mainly to those investors who either have a product to market and no website, or they have neither a product nor a website.First, to those investors without either a product or a website. ...
Web Development development product rich time little articleAs webmasters, most of us are aware of the Google PageRank system. As Google continues to improve the PageRank system, webmasters must continously try to keep their websites ranking high. Unfortunately, many will use techniques that are not quite le...
Web Development development google pagerank findOut there in the WWW there are thousands sites using flash for their needs. But the majority sites are not in this list. Let's summaries some facts about flash usage on YOUR web site. After that it's you will have to decide: to use or not ...
Web Development development flash time files someI know you've seen those awards graphics all over the web. Mostweb sites win one, two or a dozen awards and display them proudly on their home pageuntil the page loads so slow that no one visits anymore. Finally, theyrealize this and create a se...
Web Development development awards award program sites will