Five FAQ About Google PageRank by: Patrick Carlow Five FAQ about Google PageRank 1. What is PageRank and why should I care about it? PageRank is a formula that assigns a value to every page in the Google index. Google displays search results bas...
Web Development development pagerank google pageWant a better website ranking?By Clare Lawrence 8th June 2004 Almost everyone wants to improve their rankings in the search engines, also known as Search engine results placement. How to do it? The web is full of services offering to submit your webs...
Web Development development links search google willIn the early days of the Internet it was common to visit a web site and see a counter informing you that "you are the 118,456th visitor to this site", and various webmasters would proudly talk of how many "hits" their sites were getting. Now, things ...
Web Development development pages informationGetting traffic to your site is the ultimate goal. Withoutthe traffic, you site isn't going to do much but take upcyberspace. Now, there are many ways to do this, and youshould be doing them all. But for our purpose here, I willlimit it to Searc...
Web Development development search keywords engines tagsSo you know what hits mean. Unique hits or user sessions,I mean. And you know what CR means. Right? If so, you're ingreat shape, for many people don't. They think they do. But they've got it wrong.You see a single hit is invaluable. It...
Web Development development visitors hits aboutYou may have delayed cgi script installation due theapparently complex process. Well, I avoided it also forseveral years, however if you want to increase your website's interactivity it's a necessity to know how to do it.It's not hard ...
Web Development development script form emailWhat the heck is going on lately? Most internet websites I go to now, all I see are pretty graphics everywhere. I see moving images, I see crazy JAVA, things flying around.Don't get me wrong, some of these graphics are truly amazing - I love to ...
Web Development development graphics visitorsOne of the most important things you will do when creating your website is selecting its web address. When you choose a web address, you want to make it descriptive of your company name, or the service you offer. Let's say you own a company call...
Web Development development names company usedA ship captain traversing the open seas without a goodnavigation system will surely get lost. Maybe he'll strike sharprocks and his ship will sink. A visitor who arrives at yoursite and can't navigate it for the information they seek, wills...
Web Development development navigation linksThis is a simple navigation script that will redirect yourvisitors with a drop down menu that will automaticallyadvance to the selected page without a submit button.Place this script where you'd like your menu to appear.You can add as many links...
Web Development development menu will